Hannah Baker|Compliments

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Warnings: None

It was your free day and, luckily, you haven’t got any extra school activities to attend to. You needed a break from school because you were so stressed for your homework and group projects, for your needy teachers and for some shitty students that kept on fantasizing about the ass and the body of your girlfriend, Hannah.

“Hey, (Y/N).” You shook your head to bring yourself back to the reality. You looked at Hannah, who was sitting on the driver’s seat, and she had her sweet and lovely smile, one of the things you really loved in her. “We’re here.” 

“Oh, sorry.” You laughed a little bit and you left a quick peck on her lips, earning some soft giggles from her. “Let’s go.” 

“Yup.” You both got out of her car and you entered the mall with your hands tightly intertwined. 

During the first months of your relationship, you were both afraid to hold each other’s hands in public because of people’s prejudices, but then you became more confident as the time passed by. You would still get some dirty looks from the people or you would still hear some judging mumbles behind you, but you would just shrug them off. You loved Hannah and you would never be ashamed of her, of your relationship, because you hadn’t got a reason to be one and you were proud of what you had with her. 

“Finally, relax!” You heard Hannah exclaiming. You let out a heavy sigh of relief as you agreed with your cheerful girlfriend. “We both needed this.” 

“I know, right?” You both laughed thoughtlessly as you lingered your relaxing day together. 

You were happy that you’ve got some time to spend with Hannah. At least, she would stop thinking of those bullies, of the list that someone evil has created. She was giving weight to herself for something that those assholes have done and she wouldn’t stop thinking of it. Sometimes she would even feel observed by the people, while they fantasized of her butt. People sucked, didn’t they? 

“What would you like to do, babe?” Hannah happily asked and it was obvious in her voice that she was so excited to spend some time with you too. She appeared less pensive and less absorbed in her thoughts.

“What do you suggest?” You smiled at her as you passed by different type of shops and restaurants. You never planned your dates with Hannah, you’ve always went with the flow and followed where your feet led you. It was unpredictable, more fun and less delusional.

“Wait,” She suddenly stopped in front of a shop and she tightened her grip on your hand to stop you. “Mum is planning on buying some eyeglasses and she asked me a favour, to look for something that might fit her well or something that doesn’t cost that much.” 

“Sure!” You smiled at her and she smiled back at you before she dragged you to the store in front of you. “Olivia’s eye-sight is getting worse?” 

“She told me so.” She raised her shoulders as she answered you. She then left your hand and headed to one of the shelves full of glasses. “She’s aging too fast because of the store, the stress.” 

You nodded your head as you roamed your eyes around the shop. You were surrounded by different shelves with some different type of eyeglasses and sunglasses. There were shelves with boxes of contact lenses too, divided by their colours. 

“Babe, how do I look with these?” Hannah called your attention and you smiled at her while walking towards her. You admired as the glasses enhanced her face and her eyes. 

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