Scott Reed|Don't talk to them

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Warnings: Idkk

“What is this even about?”

Scott paused, frowning. “You trust me?”


“Do you trust me?” Scott repeated, this time with a little more force. You paused, furrowing your brows. Dropping your arms, you took the few short steps Scott’s way and nodded, grabbing onto his hands to reassure him. “Of course I trust you,” you smiled gently. “Now, tell me. What’s wrong?”

Scott nodded and he paused, as if preparing himself for the worst. You felt yourself grow more and more anxious by the moment, unsure where this was all going. 

“I don’t know how to tell you this,” Scott started, taking a deep breath. “But… it’s about the baseball team. My-My friends.”

And so, Scott told you. Everything. Some of the stuff you’d know, purely from talk and rumours around school. Not to mention the limited things you’d read on that blog about the court case. But he also told you other things. Things that made you think back to all those times you’d sat with Scott during lunch with the baseball team. All of Bryce’s parties you’d gone to… All the times you’d laughed at something Monty had said…

He told you about the clubhouse, which scared you most of all.

When Scott was done explaining, he took another deep breath. He fiddled with his fingers, obviously nervous for your reaction. And at first, you didn’t say anything. It felt like in that moment everything had changed, and you didn’t know the person before you.

But then you remembered his words - do you trust me? And all those times that Scott had adamantly refused to let you be alone when with Bryce or Monty, or any of the others came back to you.

“That’s why you never let me go to the clubhouse…” You mumbled, glancing up at him. Scott’s eyes filled with hope as he eagerly nodded. “Or all those times you stuck by my side…”

“I know… I know I am still in the wrong. About not saying anything.” Scott whispered, “but I was never there when Bryce… r-raped anyone or did anything to any girls. The most i ever saw was him getting them high and taking their picture, maybe messing around a bit. I didn’t believe it, couldn’t - they were my friends. But then…”

You nodded, still in shock.

“I understand if you don’t believe me,” Scott continued, “or don’t wanna be near me…”

“Actually,” you started, blinking. “I’m not mad.”

Scott paused; “you aren’t?”

“Not at you.” You shook your head, “disappointed? Yeah. You may have not known everything, but you knew some…” You bit your lip, meeting Scott’s worried gaze. “You aren’t… aren’t hanging out with them still, right?”

“No!” Scott shook his head, hesitantly reaching for you. “Y/N, I really am sorry. But, please, believe me. I never would, ever, rape anyone. I… I’m not a rapist.”

You nodded, letting Scott pull you in for an embrace. “I believe you, Scott.”

Scott let out a breath of relief, tightening his grip on you as you returned his embrace. You pulled away after, hands left resting on his shoulders as you smiled up at him. “Thank you for telling me…”

“It was your right to know,” he smiled. “Besides, I needed you to know. So you knew to stay away from them.”

You nodded; “trust me, I don’t think i’ll ever wanna be in the same room as them. I just hope they get what’s coming for them.”

Brushing back a strand of lose hair, Scott smiled down at you. “I do too.”


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