Zach Dempsey-Wet

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It was a Saturday night and there was a party at Bryce's’ as always. It wasn’t any different - people getting drunk off their asses, vomit in a few places, hormonal teens making out, the usual. But what wasn’t usual was the tension between Zach and Y/N. Sure, they fought at times but nothing this severe. They hadn’t been talking for almost two weeks. At this point, Y/N wondered if they were even together anymore. There was no set reason as to why they fought. The reason was unclear to both parties. So they handled it the same way any teenager would - they decided to get shit faced. And there was no spot better than Bryce’s. Sure, he was an asshole, but he had alcohol, which was the solution to the problems of Liberty High’s favourite couple. 

 So Y/N decided to doll up to make sure she left no stone unturned to make her man (or her ex-man?) jealous out of his mind. Zach was a jealous, petty bastard. He loved Y/N truly, but he was hurt. And there was no way he was apologising first. After a few drinks and hours, Y/N was dancing with Monty who had his hands around her waist, dangling dangerously low. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ears, while she was laughing innocently, as if this was normal. As if she wasn’t doing all of this to make Zach lose his fucking mind. It was as if acting came naturally to her. And to say she wasn’t successful would be the greatest lie ever. Because Zach was looking at Monty as if he would cut him in pieces and feed himself with it.

 While Y/N smelled like vanilla, Zach smelled like envy. All he wanted to do was to go over to them and rip Monty apart, limb by limb. But he didn’t do that. He wanted to wait and see what would happen next. And it was as if Monty and Zach were having a telepathic conversation, because he moved his hands down to Y/N’s ass, giving it a squeeze, leaving Y/N too shocked to react. When she finally came to her senses, she pushed Monty, who wouldn’t let go of her. Zach took this as his cue to come in and actually rip Monty apart, limb by limb. So he made his way over to his girl, ready to take her back. “Care to explain what the fuck you’re doing with her?” a fuming Zach asked. Y/N had never seen him like this- she’d never seen him this angry. Eyes burning red, fists clenched, and lips in a straight line. “She’s over you bro, she was practically begging me to fuck her.” “Get your filthy hands off of me, you pig.” Y/N said, pushing him with all her might and moving to Zachs’ side. “You’re lucky you’re my friend, Montgomery.” was all Zach said before punching him in his face.

 He led Y/N out to the garden at Bryce’s, where his car was parked. “thanks- thank you for uh, for saving me.” An embarrassed Y/N said. She wanted to make Zach jealous, but she didn’t want things to get so out of hand. Zach wasted no time in grabbing her wrist and pining her down to his car’s hood. “Do you have the slightest clue as to what you’ve done? You avoided me for two whole weeks, didn’t respond to my messages, calls and emails, and today, you showed up at a party, wearing this,” He said while running his free hand over the sides of her thighs, skimming the sheer, thin material of her white lace dress. “Don’t you know what happens to little girls who disobey their daddies?” Zach whispered in her ear, making her knees go wobbly. “Zach, I- you’re hurting me,” Y/N said, trying to escape his hold on her. “Oh, am I? Pardon me, where are my manners?” He said, before pinning her on the hood once more, harder than before and kissing her roughly. His brown pupils had lost their usual, cheerful look. That cheerful look was now replaced by lust. Plain lust. 

He dragged her to his car, practically stuffing her in the car and closing the door, and getting in himself. Y/N, as fucked up as it sounds, couldn’t be more turned on right now. Zach started the ignition and began driving towards his house. “You’ve been so, so bad, Y/N. I think you need to be taught a lesson.” He said while running his hands on her thighs, up and down, slowly, smoothly and softly. He suddenly stopped at her core, feeling it’s wetness. “Wet already for me, babygirl?” He said and chuckled deeply. As they reached the Dempsey house, he turned off the car, getting out of his seat, he moved towards Y/N. He pulled her out, his hands on her waist. “What do you say, I have some fun with you?” He said and started taking her to 


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