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Clay is very shy when it comes to PDA, mostly because he’s afraid of embarrassing you. He holds your hand gently, places a light hand on your hip, gives chaste kisses, because he doesn’t realize you want more. He’s scared of overstepping his boundaries, until one day, in the middle of the hallway at school, you pull him into a deep, long kiss. You can feel him freeze for a moment before responding in kinds, afraid no more.

Hannah is very simple when it comes to PDA. After everything she’s been through in other relationships, she’s making the most of having a ‘normal’ one. She loops her arm through yours when you walk, kisses your cheek whenever she leaves, runs her fingers along the back of your neck, all the while telling anyone whose close enough how wonderful you are.

Justin’s PDA is more on the wild side; he’ll grab your butt at any given moment, nibble at your ear whenever you sit next to each other, and deepen any kiss he sees fit, even in the middle of a class.

Alex isn’t really into very public PDA. Of course he’ll hold your hand when you walk, have an arm slung around you when you sit together, and give a kiss on command, but for the most part, he likes to save his lovin’ for after hours, when he can show you how truly special you are to him.

Jessica is very passive for the most part, but if she sees anyone look at you for even a second too long, her posessive side takes over and she’s all over you; kissing you, draping her arms all over you, sitting on your lap if it’s applicable. She loves to see how blushed you get when she starts whispering in your ear, and when she places a hand on your upper thing.

Zach likes to make you feel special out in public. Both of his arms rest happily around your waist as he stands behind you, his dead dropping down to land on your shoulder. He always, always shares his food and drinks with you, and especially loves feeding you when you’re out for dinner; it makes him feel like he’s taking good care of you.

It can be hard to get Tony involved in more than the norm PDA. He’s more than happy to hold your hand and give you what you need in the moment, but he is always the gentleman in public. However, you will occasionally catch his eyes roaming, a far-off look on his face, or his hand will creep up your thigh under the table, his fingers tracing little patterns on your skin. But now matter how composed he makes himself out to be, the moment he has you alone, even if it’s just in his mustang right after school, he’s all over you. He also likes to leave flowers in your locker for you to find between classes, along with a sweet little note.

Jeff is a PDA MASTER. His way are both subtle and intense. He wants to show the whole world the you are his. hair is a big thing for him, whether it’s running his fingers through yours, resting his face in it and enjoying your unique scent of shampoo, or even lightly tugging on it. He really enjoys doing that cheesy thing where he taps his cheek in anticipation of a kiss and turns his head last minute to catch your lips. No matter what, some part of him is always touching you.

Sherri is unconventional about PDA. She finds your desk in each class and somehow makes it there and leaves before you arrive, leaving you a little treat covered with a sticky note- “love u!! Xoxo”

Naturally, Tyler takes pictures. You’re his go-to model for projects, to the point where his entire photog class knows your likeness, even in shadow. For your anniversary, he gives you a big scrapbook full of photos of you two.

Monty used to love public PDA, But as he got older he realised everyone already knew you were his and knew he'd beat there ass, if they tried anything with you. However he is a privet cuddle master.

Bryce always loves grabbing you in different ways, Or just randomly kissing you out of nowhere sometimes his PDA is too much, And you have to cool him off.


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