Jeff Atkins| Nudes

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Warnings: The sending of nudes (duh) a short ass story and Bryce being a cunt.

You didn’t expect for this to happen. You didn’t expect anything to happen really, it was suppose to be just a private thing between you and your boyfriend, Jeff. It was just a photo of you, your hair done nicely with your F/C bra showing. The picture was sent with a cute harmless message.

Missing you babe xx

Jeff was practically blushing when he received the photo. ‘You’re so bad ;)’ Jeff sent back and you smiled when you received his message. And that was it, just a private message between you and Jeff. But that picture you took was soon sent around the school. Jeff was with his athlete friends and the one and only asshole, Bryce Walker sat down next to Jeff.

Bryce had asked to see Jeff’s phone, and Jeff being nice let him. Bryce being Bryce, snooped on Jeff’s phone, he came across you and Jeff’s message and saw your picture. “Who would’ve thought little Y/N wasn’t so innocent.” Bryce spoke with Jeff overhearing. Jeff had reached to grab his phone but couldn’t grab it in time for Bryce to send the picture to himself.

Soon, Bryce had sent the picture around. You were sitting in first period doing your classwork. You had heard hushed whispers along the line of ‘Oh my god is that really her?’ and ‘Damn Y/N is hot.’ You you looked over at a classmates phone screen and saw your picture on the phone screen. Tears had started to form in your eyes, and you quickly wiped them before anyone could see you.

When the bell wrung, signaling that first period was over. You gathered your things and rushed out of the classroom. As you tried to leave, you walked past Jeff, who caught a glimpse of you. Jeff felt his heart break at the sight of you. Your eyes were red and puffy and your cheeks damp from tears. You exited the school and went home, too embarrassed and angry to actually continue on with the school day.

Jeff saw you leave and followed behind you, catching up to you across the street. “Y/N!” You heard someone call behind you, turning around to see your boyfriend running towards you. “What’s wrong?” He asked once he caught up. “What’s wrong? Really? There is a picture of me going around! Jeff how the fuck did it get out?“ You yelled, your voice cracking. Tears were already forming in your eyes and Jeff felt guilty. "Bryce borrowed my phone and stumbled upon your picture, he sent it to himself and forwarded it to everyone.” Jeff explained, while the two of you walked and sat down at the nearest bench.

“God what is everyone gonna think of me now?” You cried, your head laying on Jeff’s shoulder. Jeff intertwines your fingers and kisses your forehead. “It doesn’t matter what they think. You’re hot and have a gorgeous boobs now everyone knows oh well. You’re mine and I’m yours and that’s all that matters.” You started blushing, and damn you felt somewhat better. “How lucky am I to have you as my boyfriend.” You smile. “I love you Y/N.” Jeff said then placed a kiss on your lips.


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