Jeff Atkins|My girl

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Warnings: Fighting and harassment but some fluff

You were currently getting ready to go to a party. Honestly, you didn’t want to go, but your boyfriend Jeff was so excited to go so when he asked you, you decided to say yes. So you did your hair nicely and wore some comfortable and semi formal clothing. You stood at your mirror and admired yourself. “Damn, you look hot.” You heard Jeff say, you turned around and saw his smirking face.

“Really? I’m just worried that this is too much.” You say, walking over to him and putting your arms around his neck. He leans down gives you a kiss on the lips, leaving you blushing. “You look perfect y/n.” He reassures you, giving you a smile. The two of you leave your home and walk to Jeff’s car.

You arrived at the party, music blasting and teenagers everywhere. You tried to calm down your nerves while walking with Jeff to the house. “You okay?” Jeff asked and you gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine with you by my side.” Jeff grins and wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him.

You and Jeff went to the kitchen to grab a drink, and in there you bumped into Hannah and Clay. “Hey guys.” You greet, briefly hugging the two of them. “Hey y/n! I wouldn’t have expected to see you here.” Hannah said, passing you a red solo cup. “Me too, but I’m here with Jeff so I’m fine.” You laugh, taking a sip of the drink. “C’mon y/n.” Jeff said taking your free hand in his, leading you to the living room.

You maneuvered your way through the crowd, finally catching up with Jeff, who was talking to Bryce. “There you are!” Jeff jokes once you stood next to him. You laugh, letting Jeff’s arm wrap around you. “Damn y/n you look hot. Bet you look hotter with your clothes off.” Bryce said and you couldn’t believe what you heard. You felt Jeff tense and you looked up at him, god Bryce is fucked.

“What the hell Bryce.” Jeff spoke, Bryce putting his hands up in defeat. “Dude, calm down. I’m just telling it how it is, it’s not my fault your girlfriends a hot piece of ass.” Jeff had swung at Bryce, punching him in the face and a fight broke out. “Jeff! Jeff, stop it!” You try to get Jeff off of Bryce. “Jeff, it isn’t worth it! Get off of him! Let’s go home.” You pry Jeff off of Bryce, who had a bloody nose, and walk to his car then driving to your house.

You and Jeff walk to your bedroom and you change into a shirt Jeff had left at your house.  The two of you laid down on your bed, his arms around your waist and your head was against his chest. “Thank you Jeff, for defending me and beating up Bryce.” You spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. “Anything for you. I love you y/n.” Jeff smiled, kissing the top of your head.

“I love you too.” You replied, the two of you then lying together and enjoying each others company.


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