Zach Dempsey|Turn me on

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Jessica’s party was set out to be the party of the year, according to everyone. Although you didn’t believe them, little did you know it would be- for you, at least. 

People seemed to be everywhere at once, and you were beginning to get stressed out. Partly because of the sheer amount of people, partly because honestly, you were pretty drunk already. What was worse was that your long time crush Zach Dempsey happened to be here, hence why you were so smashed already. You and Zach weren’t a lot more than acquaintances, but whenever you were around each other there was a major sexual tension that seemed to come from no where. There was something about the two of you that ignited far more than just a spark. Speaking of the devil, Zach came up behind you and placed a hand on your back. 

“L/N. Didn’t expect to see you here, you told me you weren’t coming.” A flirtatious smirk played at his plump lips. His face was close to yours so that you could hear him over the loud music and people, which was making you sweat a little. 

“You should know by now not to trust me, Dempsey.” You mimicked his facial expression. 

“Oh, believe me, your unpredictable nature is part of the reason I like you so much.” He was so close that you could feel his warm, vodka-coated breath on your neck. 

“You’ll probably regret saying that.” You chuckled as you began to walk away, shaking your cup as an indication that you were grabbing another drink. 

“You’d better be back…” He muttered under his breath, biting his lip. However, you heard, and grinned to yourself as you walked away. 

Deciding to make him wait a little, you went outside for a bit of fresh air, and a conversation with Jess. 

“I’m not gonna pretend I didn’t see that, Y/N.” she giggled. 

“See what?” You feigned. 

“Dempsey making the moves on you. I don’t know why you don’t just tap that! He clearly likes you and he’s hot as fuck.” She tugged on your arm. 

“I suppose he is.” You shrugged. 

“Don’t be coy.” 

“I wasn’t.” 

“Oh shut up! I can tell you like him.” 

You sighed and threw your head into your hands. “Is it that obvious?” 

“Probably not to everyone, but to your best friend - yes.” 

She pushed you toward the house lightly, “get it, you hot piece of ass!” 

You snorted at your best friends ridiculousness, but made your way to the house nevertheless. 


A couple of hours later, you hadn’t really seen Zach since earlier, but you tried to push the thought to the back of your mind. Let Me Hold You - Cheat Codes was blaring from the speakers and you were feeling the music. This was your jam. You swayed your hips to the music, bringing your hands up through your hair seductively, not caring about anyone around you. That was, until you made eye contact with the one boy you’d been searching for all night. 

He was leaning against the door frame, watching you, drink in hand, with the cheekiest grin you’d maybe ever seen. When you realised the eye contact had been unbroken for a while, you slipped Zach a wink, running your sweaty hand through your tousled hair. He blushed ever so slightly, before swigging the remainder of his drink, crumpling it, then throwing it, and moving through the people toward you. His eyes didn’t leave you once. Whilst this was happening, you’d turned to face Hannah and giggle at your drunkenness, not noticing that Zach had moved. The warm hands on your waist were the sign. 

“You look amazing.” His hot breath hit your neck from behind as he whispered in your ear. You placed your hands over his and moved against him, trying to conceal the hitch in your breath. 

“Fuck.” You heard him mutter. You moved your hands up so that they were reaching behind you around his neck, pulling his head down to yours. 

“Told you you’d regret it.” You breathed. 

He nuzzled his nose against your neck. “Hell no.” 

You continued to sway your hips against him to the beat of the song. 

Let me hold you. Girl, caress my body. 

You’ve got me going crazy.” He groaned. You intertwined your fingers with his, moving them away from your bodies and twisting them slightly. Then, you slipped down his body, before coming back up and turning to face him, fingers still interlocked. 

Turn me on

You leaned your face up to his. “Let’s make our way upstairs.” You whispered. He nodded ever so slightly, lips parted in anticipation. On that, you let go of his hands and made your way through the crowds upstairs, stumbling across an empty room almost immediately. 

Zach entered, and in one swift movement, shut the door and pinned you against it, one had next to your head, other gripping your waist roughly. 

“You gotta stop giving me those bedroom eyes.” His voice was gruff and broken. You bit your lip with a giggle. 

“If these are bedroom eyes, what are those?” You dragged a finger over the side of his face. 

That set him off. He shot down to envelop your lips in his, his movements rough and needy. You tangled your fingers in his hair before playing with his top button. His kisses were long overdue, and you both knew it. Making up for lost time, the two of you moved in harmony with one another, exploring and tasting.

With that he lifted you up so that your legs were around him, and moved you to the bed. His fingers trembled against the hem of your dress, he was clearly a mixture of excited, nervous, and buzzed. 

“Are You okay?” He asked, breaking off a little. You nodded and pulled his head back down to yours in response. He broke off ever so slightly again. 

“Maybe you should take this off then.” His fingers moved under your dress a little. 

“Make me.” 

“You’re going home with me tonight.”


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