Jeff Atkins|Wondering

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Warnings: Fluff and bullshitt

“You look ridiculous in those shorts”

“Shut up Tony, your smaller than me so you have no say so in my gym clothes.”

He puts his hands over his heart and fake cries “Ouch y/n, way to burst a mans ego”

I playfully push him as we walk into the gym. There are a few guys playing basketball and volleyball, girls walking around the gym talking, some girls practicing their cheer routine, and other people just sitting on the bleachers. That’s what me and Tony do until gym class start in 10 minutes. 

“You’re still driving me home right?”

“Yeah, cause after I have to take it to the shop and it’s right by you.”

I roll my eyes, “You and that damn mustang” I laugh.

“You can never take a car to serious miss.”

“Yeah whatever auto boy”

“Don’t ever say that again please”

We both laugh and start talking about the game next week. As we are talking, Tony’s friend Jeff comes and sit down next to us.I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s close to Clay and Tony. I know he’s surprisingly not an ass like the other jocks. 

“Hey what’s up Tony”. They do their ‘boy’ handshake and then he glances at me and smiles.

“Hey y/n” I looked at him surprised. I didn’t even know he knew me. We aren’t what you call, in the same ‘popularity range’ not that he seemed to care. As I looked at him I never realized how cute he was up close. That sounded kind of creepy.

“Hey Jeff” I smile.

“What are you guys up to?”

“Nothing we were just talking about the game next Friday”

“Oh, well thanks to Clay I can play” he smiles at me. I look away, not wanting him to see me obviously blushing at his look.

As soon as he said that, we heard a thud on the gym floor. We look and see Clay laying on the floor holding his head. Of course, leave it to Clay to get hit with a ball. 

“Oh Jensen” I whisper. “I’ll be right back guys, I need to give Clay tips on catching the ball with his hands and not his head.”

As I bounce down the bleachers, I here the guys laughing at my statement. I jog to Clay and help him up.

“I fucking hate gym” he whispers.

“I’m sure gym hates you too” I laugh.

“It’s that obvious huh?”

“Very much so” I laugh.

“What are you guys talking about up there?”

I look back up to the bleachers and see Jeff quickly snap his head back towards Tony as they continue their conversation. He was looking at me. I smile to myself.

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