Justin Foley|Attention

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Warnings: Smut & Swearing

“Are you fucking serious Justin!”

Me and Justin have been arguing on and off for the past 3 days now about stupid things. Lately he’s been finding literally anything to argue about from me not giving him any attention to me not wanting to meet him at his locker. He doesn’t understand that I don’t like being around his friends, especially Bryce. His friends are ass-holes, and they make my boyfriend an ass-hole when he’s around them. Don’t get me wrong, Justin is the sweetest boy out there, and I love every minute that I’m with him, but when he’s with his friends he forgets that side of him and this is what we are arguing about now.

“Yes I’m serious y/n, what is your problem!” he yells. He asked me to come over earlier and when I did he basically threw me in a trap and said ‘let’s go to Bryce’s house’. 

“My problem? What the hell is your’s, are you fucking in love with Bryce!”

“What the hell y/n! what do you have against my friends!”

“I don’t like them and how you are around them Justin!” I yell back.

“You have to be joking babe! I never act different towards you!”

I dry laugh and pace his room, “Yes you do Justin! you fucking forgot to take me to work cause you were getting high with them!!”

“I said I was sor-”

“And you fucking forgot my birthday 3 weeks ago cause you were partying with Bryce!”

“I didn’t do it on purp-”

“You even fucking made me think you were dead when you decided to play hookie for 3 days at Bryce’s house and not return my calls!!!” I scream, tears coming down.

“Bab-” he tries to grab my arm, but I yank it away.

“NO!” I scream, “your always up their asses, so don’t you dare ask me to go with you to his house!”

“Babe just let me exp-” I pull away from his touch again and he sighs and rubs his face.

“I don’t want to hear it!” I say, feeling emotionally drained from going back and forth.

“You know I didn’t mean to do any of those things!” 

“I don’t care Justin! you still did, so don’t ask me why I don’t like them!”

He stays quiet and looks like he is in deep thought. He doesn’t say anything about what I just said and it’s starting to piss me off. I feel like I’m about to full on cry and I don’t want him to see it so I roll my eyes and turn towards the door.

“Okay whatever Justin, have fun at Bryce’s”. As soon as another tear was about to fall, I felt his hand yank my arm back to him. 

“Come here.” As soon as I came into contact with his chest, I felt his lips on mine. It’s like all of our anger was put into this kiss as Justin deepened it. He made me feel like I wasn’t important to him and the most important thing at the same time and it drives me crazy. He pinned me against the wall and pushed his. His lips went to my neck as he whispered. 

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