Justin Foley|Movie night

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Warnings: Fluff


“Yeah, babe?” He mumbled, his arm tightening around you as his eyes focussed on the movie playing on the tv.

“You’re a butt.”

He laughed loudly, his infamous wide grin stretching across his face.

“And why am I a butt?”

You shrugged, tracing a random pattern onto his shirt clad chest. “Because you’re a butt,” You chuckled. “But you’re a sexy butt.”

“Was that a pun?”

“I don’t know…” You trailed off, smirking. “Did it tickle your buns?”

You cracked up laughing, eyes squeezed shut as Justin’s long sigh sounded in the distance of your laughter. “You’re horrible.” He commented.

This only made you laugh harder. “You love it, and you love me.”

“Contrary to popular belief, I only love myself.”

“That’s most definitely not contrary to popular belief.” You snorted, pulling him tighter into you.

Justin gasped, pushing you gently onto your back before rolling away from you. You laughed to yourself, watching as he rolled back, lifting himself up in order to hover over you. His eyes were bright with mirth as he softly moved the loose pieces of hair from your face.

“I love you more though.”

You grinned, heart almost bursting with happiness. “And I love you.”

He landed a soft kiss on your lips before laying back down, pulling you into him. “Now I have no idea what was happening.” He mumbled more to himself, lifting the remote to rewind it.

“To be fair,” You began. “I wasn’t even paying attention at all to the movie.”

“Then what’s the point of movie night?” He chuckled, playing the movie at the part he last was paying attention to.

“You’re the point of it, silly.”

He gave you another lingering kiss before pulling you tight against his side. He loved your leg thrown over his and your arm resting on his chest, your fingers drawing shapes on his shirt or running over his jaw.

You placed your head in the crook of his neck, letting a kiss land on the space where his neck and shoulder meet. You smiled to yourself, this moment couldn’t get any better. All you seemed to need was Justin.

“I love you,” He mumbled into your hair, kissing the top of it. “Like, a lot.”

You grinned. “I love you too,” You were wrong. “Like, a lot, a lot.” This moment couldn't get better.

This one is super short so I apologize

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