Zach Dempsey|Touch

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Warnings: Lot's I just have no effort

Zach Dempsey was the star football player of your school. You practically couldn’t turn a corner without running into a poster of him or someone talking about him. In this particular instance, it was actually him that you ran into and he knocked you flat on your ass. You howled out in pain after your books topple on top of you.

“Oh my god, (Y/N). Are you okay? Holy shit dude, I’m so sorry.” Zach Dempsey was holding your arm, trying to help you up but you were in a daze. Wait, Zach Dempsey? Did one of those books hit you in the head too? You shake your head and pull on his arm, standing back upright and smiling nervously. You could hear snickering around you and you saw Bryce and the other jocks laughing while looking in your direction. You flushed red and pulled your arm gently from Zach’s grasp.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.” You mumble, going to kneel down for your books. A sharp pain shot through your knee, causing you to gasp loudly.

“Whoa, hey what hurts?” Zach asks, reaching out to catch you if you fell. Once he seemed convinced that you weren’t going to fall, he quickly reached down and picked up your books for you.

“I think it’s my knee.” You tell him, bending it to test your theory. Sure enough, a fresh jolt of pain shot up your leg. You groan inwardly as he offers to help you walk to the nurse’s office. Once you’ve been given a clean bill of health, Zach takes it upon himself to be your pack mule for the day.

“Is it so bad I wanna help you after causing you such pain?” He asks dramatically.

“You make it sound like my leg is being amputated.” You tell him, glaring humorously.

“Oh, did Nurse Reese not tell you?” He says seriously before cracking a smile. You couldn’t ignore the ball of warmth develop in your stomach. Looking up at his smile, you found your heart racing faster, a smile of your own spreading over your face. You feel crazy as you start thinking he’s feeling the same way you are, but his lips were getting closer.

“Yo! Zach!” A voice down the hall calls. The moment is lost and you glance over to see Marcus headed toward the two of you. Groaning inwardly, you try to pull your books from Zach. He reluctantly lets them go as he glares at Marcus. You’re gone before Marcus catches up to Zach but you can’t help taking a peek over your shoulder. Zach is watching you walk away with a crestfallen look on his face, smiling softly when his eyes meet yours. You return the smile before slipping into your classroom.

The entire class period you can’t take your mind off of his smile and you find yourself zoning out and daydreaming about him. The bell rings, startling you and you make your way into the hall. You can’t help but scanning the hallway for the tall jock and your heart falls when he’s nowhere to be seen.

“Looking for someone?” A low voice mumbles in your ear. You gasp as Zach starts laughing. You smack his arm with your notebook playfully as he puts his arms up in defense.

“That was rude!” You giggle at him. He shrugs playfully at you. “Have you returned to resume pack mule duties?” You ask, eyebrow raised.

“Well I don’t know, my human ran off earlier. I wasn’t sure if she still wanted my help.” He says flatly. Your heart leaps when he calls you his human, but you’re quick to remind yourself of the joke he was making.

“Well, if I remember correctly, she said she didn’t need your help in the first place.” You say coolly, kicking yourself the moment the words slip past your lips. Zach looks genuinely hurt so you quickly try to recover. “But, she did like having you hanging around her.” What was going on with you today?! A surprised smile flashes on his face before he laughs.

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