Jeff Atkins|Long weekend

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Warnings: Smut

It wasn't often that your parents were gone for the weekend, but with you being eighteen, and your brother, Clay, being fairly responsible for a seventeen year old; it happened every once in a while. And when it did, you were always the one left in charge of the house. Since Clay mostly stayed in his room the entire day, more than not you had it all to yourself.

Jeff fell down on top of your bed, the springs squeaking noisily under his weight. You shushed him, trying to keep yourself from laughing as he started chucking your immense collection of throw pillows on the ground. He purposely aimed one at you, and you squeaked, flinching away as it bounced off of your side.

"Faker," he claimed, crawling beneath the comforter. "You know that didn't hurt!"

"Will you be quiet?" you whispered. "Clay has no idea you're in here. He's still looking for a way to get back at me for busting him that night he tried to sneak out of his bedroom window."

"Hey, he's my friend. Just because you get caught doesn't mean I'm going to get caught," he replied, flashing you an evil looking grin, though on him it wasn't nearly as sinister as was probably intended. "I'm invincible."

You hopped onto the bed next to him, curling an arm around his waist. "True, but if I get caught that means my parents are going to put me on constant watch. That means less time that we get to see each other. If you're alright with that then-"

He rolled over onto his side to face you, giving you a gentle tug against his chest. You were interrupted mid thought by the soft, warm feeling of his mouth closing over yours. Your eyes fluttered closed, hands moving up to wander across the bare skin of his chest.

"That's the last thing I want," he whispered, shifting away for only a moment long enough to press you down onto your back.

He threw his leg over yours, hovering so close above you that you swore you could feel every beat of his heart. He reached down for the comforter, throwing it over the both of you. You barely had time to adjust to the wash of darkness before you felt him suckling on the hollow of your neck.

You contemplated telling him to knock it off-after all, you were trying to be inconspicuous-but the moment you heard him huff a breathy "I love you" into you ear, all of your worries suddenly dissolved.

His hands trailed carefully down the length of your sides, lips begging for permission as they pecked at the underside of your jaw. He needed only a small sigh of your consent before he was gripping the edge of your nightgown, pulling it up and over your head in a smooth motion. It lay unwanted at your side, insulating what had already become your incredibly hot cocoon.

You felt a familiar churn of arousal from somewhere deep in your core. As you lay beneath him, legs squeezed tightly on either side of his waist, it became increasingly harder to ignore it. Especially as it began to transform into a steady shiver that had you clutching at Jeff's biceps for purchase.

You chewed on your bottom lip, biting back a gasp as he rolled his hips into yours. He wasn't as modest, letting out a deep groan that rumbled right through your chest. He gripped your thighs tightly, body crushing up against yours as your hips found contact again.

"Jeff," you murmured affectionately, letting your hands slip down into the elastic of his boxers.

He followed your lead, helping you pull them down. The two of you fumbled around under the small confines of the comforter, sharing a laugh as he nearly lost his balance and fell off of the side of the bed. He settled back between your legs, coaxing you to move them apart

All you could smell was the scent of him, spicy and musk, as he reached over you to peek out of the covers. The small rush of cold air felt nice, but it was soon gone when he had retrieved just what he was looking for. You didn't have to ask what it was when you saw the silhouette of him bringing it to his lips, and heard the ripping of paper soon after.

You stopped his hands before he could put the condom on himself. He handed it over, humming his approval as you slid it over his hardened erection. Your fingers were slick when you pulled them away. You brought them to your lips, sucking off the bubblegum lubricant.

"You know, I could buy you a box of condoms just to lick off the flavoring," Jeff said, chuckling when you weakly punched him in the shoulder. "I'm kidding. They were the only ones I had."

The two of you were already sticky with sweat when he lined himself up with your entrance and began to push in.

You wrapped your arms loosely around his neck, the hot, smooth feeling of his length rubbing against your insides one of the most welcome things you could imagine. His chest heaved against yours, breaths coming in quick, uneven pants as he began to move.

He set the pace slowly, rocking his hips lazily into yours. It was almost agonizingly perfect. Every swift jerk of his hips would leave your muscles stuttering, clenching and rippling with pleasure.

You moaned, back arching when Jeff's lips kissed at the purplish bruise he'd left just below your ear. His mouth was on yours in seconds, tongue curling around your own. He swallowed every noise that you made, moving to tangle his hands in the mess that was your hair.

He started to thrust faster when he was sure you were well adjusted. Your skin felt as hot as fire, toes curling as you hooked your legs around his thighs. Your hands clawed at the blankets. He grabbed them for you, throwing them down to your waists. The light combined with the frigid air from your open bedroom window was off-putting, even though you were expecting it.

Jeff pulled away, swiveling you around onto your stomach. You threw your face into the pillows, attempting to muffle another loud, drawn-out moan as he wrenched your hips up to meet his. You weren't given the time to adjust to the intrusion like you were first off. You could tell Jeff was losing his patience, growing as close to his end as you were.

Within a few more, hard thrusts, you were digging your nails into bedsheets, gasping as your orgasm hit you. Your insides pulsated, aching with euphoria as you rode out your high.

Jeff came not long after, brought to the edge twice as quickly by your twitching walls. He groaned breathily, giving a last few, staggering thrusts before he was collapsing next to you.

"That was... hot," he murmured.

"Yeah," you agreed.

The two of you cleaned yourselves up-disposing of the condom, and slipping back on some clothes. When you laid back down, Jeff threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close. You felt yourself instinctively relaxing against him.

The door to your bedroom began to creak open, leaving you nearly jumping out of your skin. You wrenched up the blankets, half expecting one of your parents to come waltzing in. Instead, Clay, who was stood in the doorway with a hand thrown over his eyes, gave a tired sigh.

"Either you two tone it down like ten notches or I'm going to stay at Tony's."


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