Clay Jensen|Is this okay?

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Warnings: Smut and swearing
I didn't update for like 5 days wdf, I'm a cunt.

“I like the name Clay.” You smiled, before turning to look up at him. His arms were folded across his chest as he stood in front of you on the bed, his feet together. He smiled faintly before looking back down at you.

“I like the name (Y/N).” He replied, and then soon enough, his lips were on yours. He was kissing you, his hand propped on the bed beside where you sat. 

 He pulled back slightly and you closed your eyes before feeling his lips return back to yours. He was trying to gain some confidence as the nerves were clearly overtaking him. Your hand moved up to the back of his neck, gently grasping the short dark brown coloured hair, pulling him with you down onto the bed. His hands traced over your jacket, pulling it off your shoulders gently, his lips trailed gently down to our jaw as you breathed out heavily. 

“Is this okay?” He asked. He always had to make sure it was okay, he never wanted to hurt you. He never intended to, ever. 

“Fuck yeah.” You nod, “More than okay.”

 He pulled his shirt off and you took the chance to cup his jaw once more and kiss him again. He moved your jacket and pushed you down gently, climbing on top of you on the bed and his hips positioned between your thighs as your lips reconnected over and over again. 

You could feel his hands slowly pulling at your shirt, and you allowed him to remove it, his lips trailing to your neck and kissing around your pulse gently. He was so gentle. His hand moved to your waist and he pulled you closer to him, his lips leaving small delicate bruises upon your throbbing neck. You were about to do it with your boyfriend Clay, at Jessica’s house party, on her bed. If she found out about this, she sure would not be happy, but you didn’t care. In that moment, all you could think about was Clay.

You moved your hand to his chest, running it down until you met his jeans. You tugged at them and he pulled back to slide them down off his hips, looking at you for permission as his fingers looped into your underwear. You nodded and he breathed out heavily, moving to kiss back at your neck as he removed the last pieces of clothing that were covering your womanhood and his manhood. He breathed out nervously, a faint laugh could be felt against your neck. 

“Wh- What, am I doing something wrong?” You breathed out, opening your eyes once more to look at him.

He smirked, looking at you. “No, fuck no… you’re doing everything right… I just didn’t expect- ..this.” He chuckled faintly before moving his hands back to your waist. “Are you ready?” He whispered and you nodded quickly, feeling him enter you slowly. Your breath hitched and your back arched slightly up against his chest. Once he had given you some time to adjust to his length inside you, he began to move his hips gently at a steady pace. His lips formed an O shape and he let out a small groan as his long slender digits gripped your waist. You let out a gentle moan and he took this as an order to go faster so he did, causing you to moan his name. He liked that so he kept at that pace, watching your face every so often to ensure that he wasn’t hurting you.

“(Y/N), I don’t think I can hold it back… I need to-..” He muttered, burying his face into the crook of your neck as his hips picked up an even faster rhythm. 

“Let it go, Clay… I can’t hold it either..” You mumbled, and soon enough, you were both going through your high together. Your bodies shook with the euphoria that was taking over and his hips became sloppy as you both came undone. He soon pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside you, resting his forehead against your shoulder.

“(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I love you so damn much.” He mumbled breathlessly and you grinned widely.

“I love you too Clay..” You murmured, and then the door opened and Justin Foley walked in. “Jensen!” He cheered, a beer in hand.


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