Montgomery|Teaching a lesson

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Warnings: Smut Fluff short story and shitt

You were with Monty at the lunch table, and he was talking with Zach as you guys waited for your other friends to arrive. You briefly listened to the sports game they were talking about, your hand coming to rest on Monty’s lap out of pure impulse, as that’s what you generally did when sitting side by side.

He pushed your hand away, making you frown, so you put it back, for it to be pushed off again straight away. “What are you doing?” You whined, catching his attention.

Monty looked at you for a moment. “Just stop it, Y/N.” He sighed, turning back to Zach.

You let out a long sigh, tapping your fingers on the edge of the table instead, to cure your slight boredom. Monty groaned in annoyance, covering your moving fingers with his larger hand, shooting you a pointed look.

“What?!” You exclaimed, not understanding his attitude.

“Stop it!” He scolded, taking his hand back.

“Fine! Whatever,” You replied, turning away from him to mumble, “Dick.”

“You annoyed me so much,” He lined up with you, circling your clit with the head of his cock. “And now I have to teach you some manners.” He grinned at your begging eyes. “You want to tell me why you kept being a bitch today? Huh?” His hand came up to push your arms above your head. “Why you couldn’t sit still for two fucking seconds?”

You pulled his face down to yours, kissing him hard. Monty gasped against your mouth as he entered you, his head dropping and eyes darkening in pleasure. “Tell me who’s in charge.” He groaned, pulling out slowly. You didn’t respond, too lost in the moment. “Tell me who the boss is.”

Your eyes snapped to his, and you took notice of how serious he was. You moaned as he pushed back in, your hands gripping his shoulders. “It’s you,” You gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist. “O-Oh fuck, it’s so you.”

He chuckled darkly, pumping his cock in and out of you faster and harder, making you scream his name and pull him in closer by your legs. He smirked and watched your body writhe at his pounding, your hands scratching his back.

He groaned and pulled your arms up, pushing them so your hands stayed above your head on the mattress. He was controlling everything tonight. He was the boss.

You moaned and gasped in pleasure as he slammed into you, pressing his hand tightly over your wrists to keep them above your head. His thrusts were hard, fast, and dizzying. God, he was good.

He bent his head down into the crook of your neck, deep growls emitting from his panting mouth. “Fuck.” He groaned, moving his other hand down to your breasts, kissing his way down your chest.

Your moans were loud, arms held down above your head, legs wrapped around his waist. “M-Mon,” You moaned, feeling his lips meet the valley between your breasts. “Fuck, yes.”

You were panting, your hands itching to grab onto his arms. You needed to feel him closer, to run your hands over his back and grip his hair as he continued to hit your g-spot with every thrust.

His hand left their job of capturing your wrists and went to your face instead, bending his head down to kiss you desperately. The pace of his hips slamming into yours slowed down, causing your climax to heighten as he took his time with every movement.

“Oh, fuck.” He choked out, both of his hands gripping your sides as he watched his throbbing cock slide in and out of you. “You’re so,” He panted, thrusting into you hard, you moaned loudly. “T-Tight.”

You left kisses on his neck, trailing up his jaw before meeting his lips. “Harder.” You breathed against his mouth, gasping as his fingers went to your clit, rubbing circles into the sensitive bud.

His moans turned into growled groans, the sound causing your chest to tighten. Fuck, he was so damn hot. You moaned his name, gripping his back, leaving light scratches. His thrusts turned harder and faster as he got close to orgasm, you began yelling and squealing him name as he bought you closer to climaxing.

“Fuck, fuck,” He moaned. “Yes, baby,” He gasped. “I need you to cum with me,” He demanded. “Okay? Cum with me,” He grasped your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours. “Ye-Yeah, n-now.”

He rubbed your clit harder and faster, his cock hitting your g-spot. You let out a series of screams and moans as he growled into your neck, cumming hard around his throbbing cock inside of you.

He panted as he continued slow movements in and out of you, milking his cock of all his cum. He let out a hiss at the sensitivity, before completely pulling out and dropping down to lay beside you, kissing you soft and slow, relishing in the moment.

Your chests were heaving with laboured breaths as you pulled away, your cores still pulsing with excited nerves and sensitivity. You turned your body to face Monty, a small tired smile lifting your lips.

“You should teach me stuff more often.”


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