Zach Dempsey|All summer long

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Warnings: Smut short story
and Fluff cry about it sis

Hannah and Zach started seeing each other at the beginning of summer. Everything seemed like a perfectly romantic and cliche movie.

Candle-lit dinners, picnics by the lake, parking on hills to overlook the city lights, lying on the grass and looking up at the stars, pointing out weird shapes they made.

After about a month of seeing each other, they made love for the first time.

*Flashback starting*

As he pulled down my panties, my legs shivered at the cold air nipping at my lower body. Zach looked at me, flashing a smile, “is this okay?” He asked, caressing my cheek softly.

“It’s perfect, i promise.” I lean up and kiss him, moaning softly as his teeth slightly bit down on my lower lip. He chuckles, pulling away and starts removing the rest of our clothes. But, before he does, i stop him by gripping his arm, “ i want to try something,” i say, biting my lip.

I sit up, ordering him to lay back as i start to drag my clothed-heat against his thigh, dragging it up and down, feeling a tingling sensation as i do so.

“God, Hannah, your such a naughty girl.” He grips my ass, making me bite my lip harder. He helps he rock on his thigh, whimpers falling out of my mouth.

“God, your so hot,” Zach whispers, urging me on. “C’mon, baby,” he says as he starts to massage my breasts through my bra, making me screw my eyes shut and rub my heat faster up and down his thigh.

Soon, i release onto his thigh, making him bite his lip. “That was hot as hell,” he says, smirking as i lay my head on his shoulder to try and regain my breath. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet,” he whispers seductively in my ear, making me let out a soft whimper.

He takes a condom out of his jeans pocket and rips it open with his teeth, making me grow wet again at the sight, he lays me down, hovering above me.

He lined up with my entrance, leaning down to kiss me. “Are you sure your ready? We don’t have to do this if your not, i understand,” he says sweetly, making me smile.

“Zach Dempsey, this is the thing I’m most sure about, I promise you. I want this, i want you,” i nod and so does he. He slowly slides into me as i grip onto his biceps. He stops once he’s all the way in , letting me adjust to his size.

“Are you okay?” He asks, kissing my forehead. “Yeah, it’s just pressure. You can move,” i say and he nods, pulling out and pushing back in, starting at a slow pace. I start moaning at the feeling of Zach inside me.

He throws his head back, letting out small whimpers that eventually turn out into loud moans, “God, Hannah, you feel so good,” He chokes out as i clench my walls around him. He leans down, kissing me passionately, still thrusting into me.

He grabs my leg, placing it on his shoulder, creating an entirely new angle that makes me scream out in devouring pleasure. “Zach, oh god, faster please,” i moan loudly as my nails scratch down his back.

Zach groans as i do this, picking up the pace and never missing a beat. Swear forms on our foreheads as i feel my high coming on. “Z-Zach, I’m c-close,” i whimper as he pounds into me.

“I know baby, i know, me too, come for me baby girl,” he kisses my forehead, urging me to release for him. I release onto his condom-covered length, my breathing unsteady and heavy.

He thursts a few more times before cumming into the condom, rolling off of me, throwing the condom away and pulling my sweaty hot body closer to his. He begins to rub my back, allowing my breath to eventually slow.

“Are you okay? Was i too rough?” He asks, his concerned eyes looking over my exhausted body. “Zach, angel,” i start as i caress his cheek, “I’m perfect. You were perfect,” i nod and kiss his swollen lips, making him smile.

*Flashback over*

The next month, July, Hannah had to testify against Bryce Walker. She had explained everything that had happened to her in very explicit detail. She could barely speak out an entire sentence without her voice cracking or tears rushing down her cheeks, causing them to become soaked. Zach was angry. He wanted to kill Bryce. As Hannah spoke, his own eyes filled with tears. He wanted nothing more than to rush up to her, kiss her and hug her, never letting her out of his sight ever again.

Bryce ended up going to jail, for a couple years, allowing Hannah to finally be able to breathe for the first time since it happened. Thoughout the months, Hannah and Zach’s relationship and love grew and blossomed.

Everyone at school was pretty shocked to see the two together, but mainly everyone was supportive, especially Clay. He was happy for Hannah. All he wanted was to see her happy.

Never again would Hannah allow anyone, anyone at all, not even Bryce, to break her, now, free, happy spirit.


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