Montgomery Broken 3

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Warnings: Mentions of Tylers sexual assault

From there on, you two were the ‘it’ couple of the school. You didn’t ask to be, but everyone admired how opposite you two were, and how lovingly you two were with each other. You calmed him down, and his fighting went from weekly to three times in the seven months you two were together.


As that summer hit, something in Montgomery de la Cruz changed dramatically. He’d mentioned how Bryce was on the tapes of a dead girl, and how he wanted to protect him.

“Why are you so keen on protecting a misogynistic douchebag like Walker?” you ask, only half-joking. Monty didn’t catch the joke, however.

“He’s my only family, (Y/n),” he said sternly. You looked at him and scoffed.


“I thought I was something akin to that, but I guess not.” you shrug, eyebrows furrowing. He rolled his eyes and continued walking, wanting to drop the conversation.

You didn’t want to believe the rumors of what happened in the bathroom the night of the Spring Fling. Why a teenage boy would sodomize another with a mop handle. Why the other boy would attempt to mass-kill the crowd of students that went to the school for the dance. When you cornered him, he confirmed the rumors.

“Please don’t tell me the rumors are true,” you whisper to Monty, his back against the wall- the same wall from months before where he’d calmed you down so lovingly.

He shakes his head, looking up, chuckling, “What are you on my case about now?”

“Don’t give me that, Cruz.” you scoff, crossing your arms.

“Babe-” he goes to put his hand to your face before you cut him off, pushing his arm away.

Stop! Just answer me!” you ask- nearly begging as tears came to your eyes. 

He looks down, shaking his head, “He ruined everything.”

And that gave you the answer you needed. You breathed in deeply, shakily, stepping back at him and staring at his face in horror.

“It’s not that bad, babe.”

You shake your head, “You and two other boys raped a defense less boy with a fucking mop handle after beating the shit out of him, and it’s not that bad?!” tears streamed down your face and you angrily wipe them away, “I can’t believe you, Montgomery.” you scoff, walking away from him, stopping when he grabs your wrist tightly. You turned and snap your wrist from him, “Don’t you ever fucking touch me.” you growl. He looks at you with horror and doom written all over his face.

“What does this mean? For us?”

You shake your head, “You, ruined everything, Montgomery. Don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, don’t come near me.” you whisper in a growl, more tears coming down your face. His arm slowly slipped down his body as you walked away, going home.

From that moment, you promised yourself to better people. Zach Dempsey quickly became a good friend, from him, Alex Standall, and from him, Tyler down and Cyrus Walker. You didn’t match any of them, in the slightest bit. Their obnoxiously loud punk wear, their constant ‘stand out of the crowd’ acts. But, it was refreshing. You found out it wasn’t Clay Jensen who Montgomery was brutal to, but little and sweet Tyler, the boy you’d quickly grown accustomed to going to the movies with and talking about Star Wars (even if you didn’t completely understand what he was talking about half the time). It took him so long to get used to you, the ex of the boy who hurt him so much. Who pushed him to the edge. You remember how you’de broken down to him, apologizing profusely for what Montgomery had done.

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