Jeff Atkins|Chemistry

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Warnings: Swearing and fighting

Like every other day, I stopped by my locker to pick up my books. While opening it, I spotted Jeff. So did he, and we both smiled at each other as a 'hello'. How mind blowing his smile was. I couldn't help but think that every time I saw it. As I picked my books, I started to hear whispers behind me. At first, I wasn't paying attention to them, but then some words caught my ears.

"Go ahead!" This sentence was repeated a few times by different guys. "Yeah, go!" And then some laughter came out from their mouths.

As I turned around, Montgomery De La Cruz, surrounded by his friends, was leaning against the lockers behind me. When they caught me looking at them, they all went silence with a playful smile on their lips. I started to feel uncomfortable, so I rapidly closed my locker and started to walk out.

"Y/N!" I couldn't even take two steps that I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm. My eyes laid on Montgomery, again, who had a stupid smile stuck on his face. "Hey. Um-" He glanced over at his friends, all laughing. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, um- sure." It felt like i was being played and it wasn't a good feeling, at all.

"So, I need help in chemistry and I was wondering if you could help me, with... stuff, you know?" I was surprise by his request as I'm not good at all in chemistry. But he probably doesn't know that.

"I would like to help you, but i'm failing in chemistry so I can't do much for you." I said smiling, I was ready for him to answer something so I could mind my own business again, but he didn't.

"Oh, you know, it's okay. You can still come by my house. We won't have to study." His rested his hand against the locker to our left, his face leaning closer to me. It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about, and I couldn't be more disgusted.

"Are you kidding me? Won't happen for anything in the world." My voice suddenly raised with how angry I was at him. His friends started laughing at him, at how I rejected him.

"What the fuck guys? Stop!" He looked back at me with anger in his eyes. "A slut like you will come back and beg for it at some point." His voice was so loud that it stopped many conversation around us. People were staring at us. No sounds were coming out of my mouth at this point. "What? Don't have anything to say now?" His arms were wide open, like he was confronting me to fight back.

I looked around me to find comforting eyes, but everyone was just waiting for me to make a move. My mouth was hang open, shocked by the humiliation. Eventually, my eyes laid on Jeff in the crowd of people.

"Are you waiting for my dick with your mouth open like that?" At this point, I just couldn't take it anymore.

"What the fuck?" I stepped closer to him. "Stop it!" I started pushing him back with the little strength I had. "Who do you think you are!?" I kept pushing him harder. More people were coming around us to see what was happening.

I just kept screaming at him, letting my anger out, when at some point I felt a pair of arms around my waist, pushing me back. I barely saw who it was, they already had their back in front of me, facing Montgomery.

"What the hell, man? What do you think you're doing here?" Jeff was the one standing in front of me, defending me. No respond was heard from Montgomery.

"Let's go." He finally said. He passed by me with his friends, his eyes still filled with anger.

"Let's go people, there's nothing to see." Jeff stated to the crowd that started to dissolve. He then faced me, putting his hands on my shoulders, a worry look on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Humiliated." I was looking at the floor, so embarrassed to look at him after what happened.

"Hey." He lifted my head up with his hand. "Montgomery is an ass, you can't let what he said bring you down."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." As my respond wasn't that convincing, he took a step closer and took me in his arms. His embrace was very comforting, with his hand stroking my hair and the other on my back. I could have stopped time to stay like this a little longer.

The last bell of the day rang, letting everyone know it was time to go home. We moved away from each other, and he faced me with an adorable smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him and blushed.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked to me, nicely.

"Actually, yes." I answered, taking the opportunity offered to me.


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