Scott Reed|All of you

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Warnings: Smut & Cursing

It was a Friday night and you were over at your boyfriend Scott’s house. You were sprawled across his bed on your stomach, a hand placed under your chin as you flicked your pencil back and forth quietly, reading over the words of an essay you were writing. Scott sat at his desk, working on whatever homework he chose to start on quietly. This was how you spent Friday nights in, homework first and then you were free to do whatever.

You found yourself struggling to concentrate on your essay , eyes wondering over to your handsome boyfriend. He was so concentrated on his work, brows furrowing ever so often when he didn’t comprehend a question , relaxing after he read it over and realized how easy it was. The light from his desk lamp glowed across his face , highlighting his features. Without realising it, you were now watching him in a dazed way, pencil between your lips as you pictured Scott’s hands on your hips , lips attacking your neck as he grinded his crotch against yours.

You and Scott had been dating roughly six months now and things were perfectly fine except for the fact that you kept having the most in appropriate thoughts on taking things to the next level. Sure you didn’t live under a rock, you were aware of things but it didn’t change the fact that you were still a virgin.

Scott was a literal sweetheart and never once mentioned anything about sex unless you were to bring it up on your own. You knew how much he respected you and he didn’t want to bring it up on his own feeling as though he may be disrespecting you. However, it was time and you knew you wanted it.

It was time to take things to the next step with him but you had no idea how to initiate it. “You know.. that essay’s not gonna write itself if you continue staring at me..” you heard him smirk as you snapped out of your thoughts. “Huh?” You asked still a little dazed. He stopped writting and turned to you with a smile “i could feel your eyes on me as though you’re contemplating something.. what’s up?” He asked leaning forward, elbows on his thighs as he looked over at you curiously.

You sighed and shut your books, sliding them over to the side of his bed , sitting up. “You.” You responded simply as if expecting him to get it, he didn’t. “I’m what’s up?” He asked , furrowing his eyebrows “ i don’t think i understand (Y/N) ” “I want you..” “But you already have me..” he smiled reaching over and taking your hand in his.

“No. I WANT you..” you repeated, stressing on the want as if to give him a hint. “Oh..” he responded taken aback “OH.” He repeated understanding fully what you really meant, sinking back into his desk chair.

The baseball player thought for a moment. Sex was never a topic of discussion between the two of you as you both enjoyed taking it slow. Had he thought about it? Of course, he was only human. Did he want to? Yes, by now he was sure his feelings for you were forever and he wanted to show you that in anyway possible. He must have been deep in thought for too long because the soft mumble from his girlfriends perfectly plum lips rang through his ears. “Scott? Please say something…” she mumbled a bit embarassed for bringing up the topic. ‘Maybe he didn’t feel the same at all’ was all she thought to herself.

Immediately she felt embarassement washover her as she waited for him to respond but it all faded when he got up from his seat, walking over to the bed and pressing her kiss to her lips. “I want you too..” he smiled against her lips , pausing for a second “if you’re sure about this..” he added giving her time to change her mind if she wanted. It’s not that he didn’t want to, he was well aware she was a virgin as it slipped during a game of Truth or Dare at Jessica’s party. He didn’t want her to feel pressured and feel the need to initiate sex with him because she felt like she owed it to him because it wasn’t a rush. He would wait as long as he had to for her.

“I’m sure..” she breathed , pressing her lips back to his and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her as she laid on her back. Scott placed a hand on her hip, pulling her close to him , the other holding him up so that he wouldn’t lay all his weight on her small frame.

One by one, articles of clothing found it’s way across his bedroom floor , the thrill rushing through their veins. (Y/N) moaned softly as Scott’s fingers rubbed against her clit to warm her up. She thrusted her hips against his fingers , earning a little smirk from him from her reaction.

He stopped for a brief minute , making her pout at the lack of his touch as she watched him reach over to his bedside table. He pulled out a small foil packet which glistened in his hands as he raised it up making her cheeks run a light pink as she blushed. Tearing the packet with his teeth, he swiftly rolled the condom over himself and joined her back on the bed.

He looked over at the beauty laying beneath him, legs spread open on either side of him as he knelt between them , nipples hard from his touch and cheeks flushed as she anticipated his next move. Her teeth grazed over her bottom lip and she nodded up at him as his cock teased her entrance , her core dripping wet for him. Her eyes were dark with lust and he knew then she meant business.

It gave him a sense of satisfaction and confirmed her feelings for him making his love grow even more for her as she chose to give up something so valuable for him.

“Please Scott..” she begged softly “enough with the teasing..” slowly , he began moving his hips forward , entering her pussy earning a soft moan and a arch of her back as she gripped the sheets below her. She flinched just a little and he was quick to stop not wanting to hurt his princess “More..” she commanded taking him by surprise.

He didn’t hesitate, wanting to pleasure her as much as possible and make her first time something to remember. He fully entered , ending with a roll of his hips to allow her to fully take in and get used to his length inside her. Within seconds she was ready, gripping at his hands to signify she wanted more and with that Scott began his thrusts.

He started off slow, gradually increasing his pace as his girlfriend moaned below him, thrusting even harder as she started to move her hips to match his thrusts, creating maximum pleasure for them both. “Fuck you’re so tight princess.. ” he groaned softly, gripping at her hips.

Unlike (Y/N) , Scott had sex a couple times before. Nothing compared to the numbers as the rest of the guys on his team such as Bryce or Monty but enough times to know what he was doing. However, (Y/N) was the first girl to make him feel so good and he had a feeling it was because of how much he likes her. Scratch that. Loves her.

(Y/n) looked up at her boyfriend as his thrusts became slow and then fast again as he focussed on giving her the treatment she deserved. She raised her legs to wrap loosely around his hips and he reached down to rub her clit once more adding to the pleasure she felt along with the thrusts of his cock.

“Right there..” she moaned softly as he hit her g-spot , making her toes girl and her eyes shut. With a few more thrusts, he had her close to an orgasm as she felt something in the core of her stomach. “I think i’m close baby..” she whimpered softly making him go faster if possible as he encouraged her to let go “Cum for me princess…”

Scott beant down, hands wrapping around her thighs as his lips attacked her neck which was already laced with light purple hickies from when he started earlier, adding to them. The both rode out their highs, Scott collapsing into her arms as they were done, not pulling out.

“That was… amazing” she gushed , fingers running through his hair “I’m glad you were my first..” she smiled making him raise his head to look at her, hand cupping her face “and I intend to be you’re only… I love you (Y/N) , so much..” Scott smiled as he watched the face of his girlfriend turn from shocked to a goofy grin as she repeated the same three words to him. Their first I love you.


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