Tyler Down|Prom

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Warnings: obviously smut because I'm nasty swearing and fluff

Tonight was prom night and I was so excited. I was going with my boyfriend of 7 months, Tyler. He has stuck by my side for the longest and I couldn’t ask for better. He was a virgin and so was I. I was planning to lose it to him tonight. I got ready for my hair and makeup appointment, texting Tyler that I’ll be ready in about 3 hours.

I got done and looked at myself. I looked perfect for tonight and I felt very happy with the outcome. I paid for everything and made my way home. Once I got there, I put on my dress on. I looked beautiful. I couldn’t wait until Tyler got here to see me.

I heard my phone buzz and Tyler texted me saying that he was downstairs waiting for me. I smiled and took one last look in the mirror and went downstairs. I saw Tyler watch me come down in awe. I observed him while I came down. He looked so handsome in his suit. His hair was a little messy, but it still looked great anyways. He had a smile on his face when I arrived in front of him. He took the corsage that matched my dress perfectly and slipped it on my wrist. I looked up at him and kissed him.

He finally speaks up, “You look fucking beautiful baby” 

I look down and blush. Even with how far we are into a relationship, he can make me blush.

“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself. We should go before my mom comes and takes pictures. We can get them taken when we get to the school” I tell him.

He nods and we make our way out to his car. He opens my door for me, like the gentleman he is. We make our way to our school and I see everyone. Guys and girls together, in dresses and suits. Everyone looked happy and so was I. I get cut from my thoughts by Tyler taking my hand and leading me inside. We took pictures and got to the dance floor and started dancing. Everything was amazing. (I was about to make a full prom scene but I want to get to the smut bahaha)

Soon, it was over. I enjoyed my night with Tyler, Now we were driving to a hotel he made reservations for. We talked about this and I was finally happy to give him all of me. When we arrived we got our room keys and walked to our room. When we got there, I opened the door and stepped inside. There was a double room and a balcony with a jacuzzi. I looked to my left and saw a very nice looking bathroom. I sat my bag on the floor and walked inside and sat on the bed.

Tyler walked around setting candles in places. He put rose petals on the ground and cut the lights off. I loved the atmosphere of the room. Tyler looked at me and kissed me. He pushed forward so that my back was on the bed with him on top of me. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he explored. I moaned in his mouth and felt his hands roaming all over my body. He started taking off my dress and kept kissing my neck. When he got my dress off, he started taking his suit off. I leaned up on my elbows and watched him. He looked hot while doing so, not breaking contact. When he got everything but his boxers off, he came back on top of me. I kissed him while he rubbed me through my panties. I moaned softly into his mouth.

He lowered himself to my covered heat and bit the band of my thong, pulling it down with his teeth. I almost moaned at the sight of him pulling it down. When he was done, he stood up admiring me. I was completely bare to him now and I felt embarrassed. He leaned down on top of me and kissed me.

“You’re so beautiful, Y/N” he whispers into my ear.

I blush and looked away and he starts kissing my neck. He tried to find my sweet spot and found it quickly. I moaned quietly and he smirked against my neck. He dragged his hand down and rubbed my clit and I saw stars and felt a wave of pleasure. He continues rubbing until I was wet, then entered a finger inside of me. I felt discomfort for a moment and it stung a little, but he started moving it. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning.

He bit my ear and whispered, “Moan for me baby”

I moaned loudly and he took his fingers out of me. I whined at the loss of contact. I felt something touching my entrance and I instantly grew nervous. He looked into my eyes asking for my permission to which I nodded my head yes. He began to enter me and I clenched my eyes shut. There was a sharp pain there and I was trying to ignore it. I leaned up and kissed him to distract myself.

He began slightly moving and even though there was still some pain, I felt pleasure. He looked down at me and started to whisper sweet things into my ear. I held him down to me while he moved in and out of me at a fast pace. I felt a funny feeling in my stomach and instantly knew it was my orgasm coming.

“Tyler, I’m close baby” I moaned out to him.

“Me too, come with my babygirl” He whispers into my ear.

That overdid everything and I came onto him. He came shortly after me and kissed me with a lot of passion.

He looks down at me, “I love you”

“I love you more” I respond.

Tyler deserves the world in season 3

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