Zach Dempsey| Lonely night

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Warnings: Fighting and Swearing

You were crying.

For the fifth night in a row, you lay in your bed with tears pooling from your eyes all because of him. Within the seven month period the two of you had been together, there had been 3 breakups. You had thought that the second time was the last one, but then he caught you speaking with Bryce Walker and got mad. He ignored ever call, every text and you in general. You truly thought this was it, he would usually text you during the breakups or at least talk to you, no matter what the cause, so this was new for you and it had been the reason for the tears you had cried constantly.

You tried to sleep, but the thought of there being no more relationship with you and Zach haunted you. The possibility of him holding another girl in his arms sickened you. You didn’t want it to be the end nor did you want him to be with someone else. It was a Friday, meaning that he would still be over at Bryce’s until the very next day.

Darkness stretched around your room, but the birds chirped. The dark sky signaled that it must have been very early in the morning. Reaching over to your nightstand, you pressed the home button on your phone, the light almost blinding you.

3:27 AM

You noticed a text message appeared on the screen sent only 3 minutes ago. Justin Foley’s name flashed across the lockscreen of you and Zach. You wiped your eyes and pulled the phone off of the nightstand, holding it closer to your face.


Your fucktard of a boyfriend just beat the shit out of Monty. You need to come here right away. He won’t stop.

Thats all you needed to hear before you threw the covers from over your body. You pulled on some jeans and one of Zach’s hoodies to cover your bra and dashed out of your room. You slipped on your shoes before grabbing the car keys in the bowl beside the door. You ran to your car and tugged the door open, wasting no time to start it up. In a matter of moments, your car was parked in front of the Walker household and you were running towards the loud screams.

Jessica was the first to notice you. She ran and pulled you into a tight hug, you returned it briefly but quickly pulled away when you spotted the scene. You pushed past Bryce and was about to get involved when Alex pulled you back.

“What happened?” You asked teary eyed. Your voice seemed to have caught Zach’s attention. He stopped punching Monty and looked up to meet your puffy red eyes. You couldn’t look at him, knowing you’d break down if you did.

Alex sighed, “Monty being Monty decided to say some disrespectful things about you. Zach got mad and beat him to a pulp. You should have come tonight it was fun up until now.”

I looked down at a bruised Monty who was too wasted to even know what the hell was going on. You then risked a glance towards Zach who was just staring at you.

“We’ll give you space,” Jess announced,easing the others away. Bryce lifted Monty of the ground, sending a wink your way to which you responded with the middle finger gesture.

Zach stayed silent as you sat down. You couldn’t hold back the tears no longer so you let them slip. Zach stared at you, sorrow lurking within his eyes.

You wiped a tear away.

“Are you going to explain or just stand there looking like an idiot?” You questioned.

Zach sighed and reluctantly took a seat beside you. This only caused more tears to slip, Oh how you missed him.

“I don’t know what to say.”

You nodded, “Yeah well neither do I but you could start with the fact that you haven’t been answering me! What is this? Are we officially done for good now or something?”

Anger took over your sadness.

You were angry that he left you in the dark. Angry that he would believe Bryce’s stupid lies over you. Angry at him for leaving without even a message.

“I’m sorry, Okay! I panicked, I thought I had lost you to Bryce! I was angry, but when you tried to contact me, I froze. You hit being here tonight made me realize that I’ve been an idiot. I’m sorry. And when Monty started going on about how hot you were and all the things he would do – I got mad okay. I got mad at everything. And I snapped. I’m sorry but I love you.”

He loved you.

For the last 5 days, you had been waiting to hear those words. Your heart ached at the sight of him, Monty had managed to get a few punches in but nowhere near enough or as hard as Zach had, despite the fact that the two of them were drunk, they were both angry.

“I love you too,” you sighed, “but I  need a boyfriend who actually trusts me.” I say with tears in my eyes

As you were about to stand up, Zach caught your hand refusing to let you leave. You looked down at him and offered a soft smile.

“I haven’t spoken to you in 5 days. And I won't forgive myself until you think I've made it up to you,” He said as he cupped your cheeks.

“But Zach I need trust I'm sor—“

He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, giving you a soft well needed kiss. You sighed happily, after missing his touch that’s what you thought you needed.

You pulled away and smiled,“good bye Zach“ You continued the sentence from before.

He nodded with tears in his eyes.

“If you really love me you'd stay.”

You rolled your eyes and went inside to ask one of the guys for a ride home.

What a night.

I love unhappy endings

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