Clay Jensen- Starting over

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Warnings: You'll need holy water sis also I ship Clay and Justin so yeet

Justin adoption is final, he is now official a member of the Jensen family, with the new responsibility of a brother he has to be there for clay in his time of need whenever he can.

September 20
Justin wakes up in his shared room with clay, he gets up and here’s crying from the bathroom. He opens the door to see clay crying and punching the wall, yelling he could’ve saved her. Embracing clay in a hug, he tells him there was nothing you could do now there is nothing any of us can do it’s time to move on, slowly calming clay down.

That night clay awakes with a nightmare of Hannah. At that moment Justin decides he has to help clay move on. Laying there he makes a silent promise that tomorrow everything will start to get better.

September 21
Once back home from school, Justin confronts clay about moving on, telling him “now as your brother I am helping you move on, I am getting you laid”.
Clay stuttering not sure how to respond “......”
You never had sex before Justin weakly states
*Clay shaking his head no*

Justin shocked that he hadn’t with Hannah, states have you even gotten a hand job or blow job?
*clay again weakly and embarrassingly shakes his head no*

Do you even jerk off? Justin asks
Yes you asshole obviously!! Clay yells back

Justin feeling uncomfortable but knowing clay needs help asks him if he’s ever had a kiss?
Clay responds yes, a few times, why?
Justin smirking, do you know how to ummm... you know ummmm....
Clay: “you mean have sex”?
Justin: well yeah, I mean....
Clay: yes I know how Justin and starts crying again
Justin drops the subject not knowing how it will make clay feel to continue

September 22
It’s a Saturday, Clays parents went on there romantic getaway for the month and Justin knows this is the perfect time to get clay some “action”.
Waking up later than usual, Justin walks past the bathroom and hears crying again. Walking in to comfort the last things he expects is to find a naked Clay Jensen, dick hard sobbing in the shower corner. Trying to gain his attention to no avail, decides that it’s his “brotherly duty” to help.

Justin undressed completely, steps into the shower feeling the burning water touch his skin, but his only focus was on clay. Walking up to him Justin reaches out and touches his arm. Not getting any attention, he sits down next to clay, not knowing how to respond.

Justin finally brave enough to speak, asks clay “why are you crying”.
Slowly clay looks up and says “promise not to laugh”
Yes dick wad I promise not to laugh says Justin. What’s wrong?

*clay shyly responding* since I stopped seeing Hannah’s “ghost” I haven’t been able to ummm finish pointing to his now semi-hard dick.
Justin shocked to hear this stutters, clay starts crying again waiting for Justin to start laughing. Instead Justin lifts him up and backs him up against the wall softly.
Clay: “Justin what are u doing”
Justin: “smirking” I’m helping u finish- not giving clay a chance to respond, he presses his lips against clays.
At first clay doesn’t respond, soon he gives in to Justin, tongue entering each others mouths.
Justin breaks away.... bending on his knees.
Clays 7 inch dick inches away from Justin’s face. Justin looking up asking permission with his eyes, put his hand on clays dick and starts to stroke. Within moments clay is a moaning mess, moaning Hannah's name as he cums all over Justin’s face.

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