Justin Foley|So Toxic

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Warnings: Idgaf

She glared at Justin from down the hall. His arm wrapped tightly around Jessica’s waist. She was angry. Angry at him for making her feel so good about herself, angry at him for making her so in love with him. Justin has always been known for the guy to stick with one girl at a time. But boy how wrong they were. She took a shaky breath as she scrolled through the messages from just this morning.

Morning Beautiful

Morning Handsome.

She wasn’t very popular. People like them knew her, talked to her, but she mostly hung out by herself. So how could a guy like Justin take any interest in her? Her stomach dropped at how destroyed Jessica would be if she found out. How Jessica would destroy her life. Her fingers glided effortlessly over the key board, typing out the two words she’s been fighting out to say for weeks. She hits send. A smile forms over her face as she does so, feeling a bit better.

I’m done.

Down the hall, she heard his phone go off. She looks up just as Justin does, hurt written out all over his face. She sees him beginning to type, but cuts him off before he could send anything.

Save it.

He looks up again. His features pleading and heartbroken. She just smiles at him. Her body feels freer, happier.

“Y/n!” Somebody had yelled her name behind her, the only person who knew about what was going on, Sheri. She stopped, letting her catch up before telling her that she finally did it.

“I did it Sheri.” She whispered happily. Sheri cocked her head to side, confused. As she showed Sheri the messages, a bright smile spanned across her face.

“Oh my god, how did he react?” Sheri asked. She nods her head towards Justin, who was looking her every second. Sheri scoffed and shook her head.

“I’m proud of you girl.” Sheri says with a smile. She too smiles.

It’s been days since she broke off any ties with Justin. She’s gone to a party, she actually drank and let herself free. Until Justin kept sending her a few texts a day.

Can we talk please?

Y/n answer me please.

I’m so fucking sorry.

But the text he just sent this morning messed her up.

Princess please.

An anxiety attack was set in motion when she got the text at her locker. He always called her princess. It started out as a joke but then that word had her heart racing and her cheeks covered in pink. Throughout the day, whenever she saw him, fear ripped her body apart.

Stop texting me please. Like fuck, you can’t do this.

She hated how much control Justin had of her. But he was with Jess and it made her guilty as hell to even still thinking about him. Her body calmed after a few days of radio silence. But she knew it wasn’t going to last long.

It was about midnight as she laid up in her bed with Netflix played up on her T.V. when her phone started to ring.

Justin is calling

She huffed in annoyance before turning off her ringer. She waited for another 15 minutes before checking her phone again.

7 missed calls from Justin

(5) Messages from Justin


Answer please

Seth threw me out

I need you

Princess I don’t know what to do.

The last two set her off, worried sick. Her fingers hit the call button and within rings he picks up.

“Princess?” Justin’s breath is shaky, she can tell he’s about to lose it.

“Justin? Where are you?” Panic was laced through her voice.

“Window…” He whispered. She looked up a sure enough he was there. She hung up before unlocking her window and opening it up so he could get in. He threw in his bag before climbing in himself. It was only a few seconds before he was a sobbing mess on her floor. She sits next to him, leaning against her bed, before pulling his head into her lap, letting him cry it out.

30 minutes later they’re just sitting there in silence. She takes a deep breath.

“Justin…” She whispers, wanting to tell him how hurt she is, that he can’t stay for long.

“I know.” He butts in. She’s confused as he sits up and faces her, taking her hands in his own.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers. His eyes become glossy once again.

“What I was doing to you wasn’t fair. Like at all, and I understand that. I’m pretty sure me and Jess are done. I am so so so sorry princess.” He says. Her heart races as she knows that he means it. She’s about to say something when he cuts her off again.

“I love you.” He whispers. Her heart stops. She stares at him.

“What?” She whispers out.

“I love you, I’m so sorry I did all of this.” She takes a second before cradling his face in her hands as she kisses him. That is all that she’s been wanting to hear.

“I love you too.” She whispers. He smiles at her before kissing her again. They sit there for another few minutes before getting up. They both take turns getting ready to sleep. Her mom wouldn’t care if she found Justin sleeping next to her. Her mom loved Justin and knew about his shitty home life.

They climb into bed together. Her back faces his front as they cuddle closer together. After a few minutes of being surround by his scent and happiness, she hears his breath even out, indicating that he’s gone to sleep. She understands that he was toxic at the time. But now? After all of this? He just needed someone stable, someone he could count on and love him back, and that was her. She smiles as she begins to fall asleep, dreams do come true.


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