Tony Padilla|Star

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Warnings: Smut fluff long story and Tony being cute af

A sigh left me as I tossed and turned under the duvet, sweat sticking the warm fabric against my skin. My lips were chapped and my throat was dry. I slipped out of bed, sneaking downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I chugged one down, a second and a third one following. Still, I felt not satisfied. The sight of Hannah would not leave my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I had been awake for hours, and a quick gaze at the clock made me aware it was far past midnight already, the nagging feeling of knowing that I had to go to school tomorrow present in the pit of my stomach. 

Quietly, I went upstairs again, trying to not wake up any of my family members. I sat down on my bed, turning on the lamp before reaching out for my cellphone. My fingers were shaky as I typed in a message for my boyfriend Tony. Can’t sleep. Pick me up? x I pressed send, and it took him mere seconds to reply, which baffled me a bit. How could this guy be so quick?

 Of course babe, omw xx I smiled at the nickname and stood up, stretching my sore limbs before heading over to my closet to slip on something warmer, a (f/c) sweater with some jeans. Tony would be here in ten minutes, so I decided to brush my teeth and get a mixtape my father used to collect. He gave them to me on my seventeenth birthday and I would always bring one whenever Tony and I would go out driving. My phone buzzed. You afraid of heights? xx I frowned, dragging a hand through my (h/c) hair before replying. Not if you’re with me xx I stared at the screen while putting on shoes. Good, I’m in front of your house x I saw headlights leak through the curtains and I stood up, grabbing keys of the front door from the table on my way outside. Tony was standing leaned against his car, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his leather jacket. ‘Hey baby.’ he greeted as I approached him. ‘Hello handsome. Thank you for coming over.’

I kissed his cheek quickly before we got into the car. We had to get out of here as soon as possible before my parents woke up. I put the tape into the player while Tony drove off. 'What did you bring?’ 'Elvis.'

He showed a smile. 'I like that.’ 'I guessed you would.’ The tunes of Always On My Mind started to come out of the radio and I leaned back in my seat. There was no one on the road except us, and it felt like we were alone on the world.

My gaze wandered off to Tony, his hazel eyes focused on the road. 'What did you mean with me being afraid of heights?’ He smiled. 'You’ll see.’ 'You know I don’t like unpleasant surprises.’ 'This one won’t be unpleasant, trust me.’ I let out a sigh, knowing that Tony wasn’t to be argued with. 'It won’t be dangerous?’ 'In a way.’ 'What’s that supposed to mean?’ Tony smirked, shutting his mouth. We drove towards the outskirts of the town, the roads growing narrower and steeper. 

‘Where are we going?’ I became nervous as the Mustang started to make weird sounds. ‘Come on, trusty steed, you can do it.’ Tony cheered for the car while patting the dashboard. ‘Close your eyes.’ ‘Beg your pardon?’ ‘Close them. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.’ Hesitantly, I closed them. ‘Surprise, you say?’ He kept quiet and I had to resist the urge to peek at where he was taking me. ‘How did you reply so fast to my text? As if you were waiting for it.’ ‘Hm… I am always waiting for messages from you baby.’

I chewed on my lip, smiling a bit. ‘I am satisfied with that answer, Padilla.’ He chuckled and the humming of the car engine suddenly came to a halt. ‘We are here, but don’t open your eyes just yet.’ He went out of the car, judging by his footsteps he was walking over to my side to open the door. ‘Careful now.’ I got out and he put his hands in front of my eyes to make sure I didn’t peek. We shuffled over what seemed like a rocky ground, for I kicked a few stones out of the way while he lead me somewhere. ‘Where are we going?’ I asked again.

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