Monty & Zach |threesome

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Warnings: Long ass story, Smut, Swearing and a three-some

“Let’s invite him back to your place,” You spoke, watching Monty, high-five each of his football friends before you reached him and he high-fived both you and Zach. “It’s his birthday too, and he’s a good friend of mine,” You explain further to Zach, before turning on your heel, to strut back toward Monty, softly smiling as he greets you again this time a little informally because the two of you were close. You placed a hand on his forearm, leaning in close, so your lips were next to his ear in the crowded and noisy place,

“I was wondering if you’d like to come back to Zach's house his parents and sister aren't home…if you and the others didn’t have anything planned, that is,” Monty eagerly nodded, excited to get to come back to Zach's house with you.The two of you have been friends longer than you and Zach have been dating (two years) and he rarely gets to see you, due to school working at the Crestmont and cheerleading.

“Yeah, I’d love to come over with you guys!” He shouts and you jump back, eyes widening at his eager tone which only makes him apologize for his increase in volume.

“It’s fine, let’s go, Zach’s waiting,”

That was how the three of you ended up in a circle on Zach's living room floor, shot glasses to the left of you, and bottles of the strongest liquor you owned to the right of you. “Okay, okay,” You laugh as Zach finishes his dare, Monty still in stitches, “It’s your turn babe,” Zach looks at Monty with a kinked brow,

“Truth or dare…choose carefully,” Zach warned, pouring himself another drink just to feel the burn of the drink sliding down his throat.

“Truth,” Monty picks, not trusting the slightly tipsy Zach,

You and Zach boo him, before Zach’s expression turns serious, his tongue darting over his bottom lip as he eyed his friend, “Is it true you want to sleep with my girlfriend?” You and Monty stop your laughing, your expressions turning dark as well, turning toward Zach as he waited for an answer. “Well?” Zach wasn’t stupid, he could tell something happened between the two of you in the past, what exactly he didn’t know, but something had happened-maybe a kiss, maybe a drunk hook-up, maybe an occasional hook-up.

“Zach!” You scold, punching him in the shoulder, he doesn’t budge his eyes focusing on the fidgeting Monty,

“Remember you can’t lie either…just tell me the truth,” Monty looks to you, and despite it happening something odd years ago the only thing he can think about is, you under him, begging and pleading for him to fuck you harder, longer, to go deeper.

“You don’t have to answer,” You narrow your eyes at Zach, ready to pull him to the side and scold him for ruining the vibe. You grab a shot glass and fill it to the brim, ready to hand it to Monty, thinking he’d not answer the question he had been asked.

“Yes,” Monty finally answers and the one word has never weighed more on his tongue than it has tonight. Zach isn’t surprised by the answer, not like you are, and he moves on, telling Monty it’s his turn. “Y/N, truth or dare?” You furrow your brows, both of  the men turning to your with their usual happy stares,

“Dare,” You giggle, deciding if they could move on, you would too,

“I dare you to kiss me.” You look at Zach and his expression doesn’t alter,

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