Scott Reed|Tease

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Warnings: Smut and shit

Scott was always the one who teased you and yes you liked it but you wanted him to know what it felt like to be teased all day and not being able to do anything about it, so today you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and see how long he could handle it. You knew he liked seeing you in short skirts and his jacket, so that is exactly what you decided to put on. Hearing the honk of his car you took your backpack and walked outside.

“Hey baby you look uh….Good.” Scott said as you got into his car while looking you up and down.

“Thanks. Now come on let’s go. Don’t wanna be late for school.” You said as you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

Sighing he started driving to school. You hadn’t even done anything yet and he was already annoyed. As the two of you walked into school you felt Scott’s eyes never leave you.

“So you wanna come over tonight?” You asked opening your locker.

“Uh yeah sure.” He said with a smile.

“Great cause we really need to study for the test we have on Friday.” You said closing your locker and looking at him.

“W-what?” He asked confused.

“Don’t worry Scotty we can do other stuff to.” You whispered in his ear before leaving to go to your first class leaving behind an even more annoyed Scott.

Sadly you weren’t able to see Scott until lunch cause the two of you had totally different classes. When lunch finally rolled around you walked to the table where Scott was sitting and sat on his lap instead of sitting next to you. He was really surprised when you did that and was even more surprised when you started moving around.

“Babe what are you doing?” He asked looking as he bit his lip.

“Just getting comfortable.” You said with a smirk as finally stopped moving and leaned forward on the table pushing your ass in his crotch.

“Look whatever you are doing. I suggest you stop.” He whispered into your ear.

“I’m not doing anything.” You said rolling you eyes.

Scott sighed again and just tried to stay calm the whole entire lunch cause you just kept moving your hips and saying that you were ‘getting comfortable’. You could tell that Scott was getting really frustrated which is exactly what you wanted. After lunch the two of you had every class together which was great for you and horrible for Scott. The two of you walked into the classroom and you made sure that Scott was looking at you before you bent down to put your backpack on the floor. You knew Scott had seen cause you heard him sigh frustrated and when you turned around he was bitting his lip.

“I swear Y/N stop whatever you’re trying to do.” Scott said as he threw his bag on the floor and sat down next to you.

“I would but I’m not doing anything.” You said looking at him innocently.

Scott just rolled his eyes and bit his lip as he turned to look at the front of the class.  A few minutes into the class you moved closer to him and started to play with the ends of his hair.

“I call this pay back Scotty. For all those times you’ve teased me.” You whispered in his before kissing his neck a bit.

“It’s not fun is it?” You asked with a smirk as he turned to look at you.

“You better play along.” He said confusing you.

Scott stood up, took his bag and grabbed your hand.

“Miss Y/N doesn’t feel good. Can I bring her to the nurses office?” Scott asked looking at the teacher.

“Yes of course.” She said concerned.

Scott dragged you out of the classroom making you smirk seeing him all frustrated. He took you outside and immediately started kissing you against his car.

“Can’t wait until we’re home can you?” You asked teasingly.

“Just shut up.” He said as he started to kiss your neck before opening the door of the backseat of his car and pushing you in.

You laid down on his backseat as he crawled on top of you and kissed you again. Opening your mouth to deepen the kiss you moved your hands to his hair. You started to tug at some peaces making him moan a little. Breaking away from the kiss he started to kiss your neck again he moved his hands to take of his jacket off of you. When he got it off he threw it to the front of his car and moved his hands to take of your top. After taking of your top you connected your lips again and tugged at the ends of his shirt, getting the hint he took of his shirt quickly and then kissing you again while you moved your hands down to his pants to take them of. Breaking away from the kiss Scott took over taking of his pants while you took of your skirt.

“Are we seriously about to have sex in your car?” You asked looking at him.

“Yep.” He said with a smirk before kissing you again and moving his hand down to your underwear to take them of.

“No more teasing today.” He said as he took of his underwear.

“Wait, do you have a condom?” You asked.

“Of course I do.” He said as he took his pants and got out a condom.

“You ready baby?” He asked as he lined up his cock at your entrance.

“Yeah.” You said biting you lip.

Scott leaned in to kiss you while he slowly pushed into you making him moan in your kiss. After a few seconds Scott started to move while he kissed you neck. You moved your hands back into his hair as you closed your eyes.

“Fuck Scott.” You moaned as he sucked on a part of your neck.

“You feel so good baby.” He moaned as he started thrusting into you harder.

“Scott…..” You moaned before grabbing his neck and connecting your lips

“God baby.” He said as he broke away from the kiss for a few seconds

“Scott I’m close.” You said as you started to move your hips upwards making him moan.

“Me too baby.” He said before kissing your neck again.

“S-scott….” You moaned as you came making him smirk.

Scott removed his lips from your neck and connected it with your lips again. A few seconds later he moaned into the kiss telling you that he also came.

“Fuck baby. That was so hot.” He said as he looked at you.

“Yeah it was.” He said as you kissed him again.

“But don’t ever tease me again.” He said breaking away from the kiss again and looking at you.


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