Zach Dempsey|My poor baby

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Warnings: Smut and swearing again idk if these piss y'all off but they piss me off but I've seen writers get so much shit for not putting warnings🙄🙄

It’s a Saturday night and you were supposed to go to Jessica’s party but you decided to stay home and finish a research paper which was due first thing next Monday. However, instead of actually doing the paper, you find yourself scrolling through Instagram, looking at pictures of your friends enjoying the party you were missing.

You let out a loud groan as you shut your laptop; to be honest you really couldn’t be bothered to finish the paper. You kick yourself thinking that you should’ve just gone to the party tonight, especially since you’re home alone because your parents are out of town for the weekend.

Finally, after procrastinating for so long, you pick up your phone and send a message to your boyfriend, Zach Dempsey. He was currently in the party with the rest of your friends.

You: I’m dying here.

A few seconds later and your phone buzzes.

Zach: Aw my poor baby. Well you’re not really missing out on much. This party’s boring without you. Wish you were here.

You smile at his reply before sending one yourself.

You: Well, I’m wishing you were here too.

Zach then sends out a sad emoji with a heart next to it and you pout as you place your phone down beside your laptop. You decided to open it up again as you stared at the page count. Great 2 pages out of 5, you think to yourself. You need 3 more pages to finish the paper.

You let out a loud sigh as you push your laptop to the foot of your bed. You then proceeded to shut your eyes momentarily. A few minutes later and the doorbell rings which causes you to suddenly sit up and wonder who that could be. You take your phone and your pepper spray as you slowly make your way down the staircase. You send a text to Zach while doing so.

You: There’s someone at the door.

You: Babe I’m scared.

Zach: Just open the door babe, make sure to have the pepper spray that I gave you ready okay?

You: If something happens to me, I love you Zachary okay?

Zach: Stop messing around Y/N and just open the door!

Before turning the doorknob, you exhale one last time and finally swing the door open. You jump in shock as you see your ginormous boyfriend standing in front of you with a huge grin on his face.

“Ta da!” Zach exclaims with jazz hands and you laugh at his silliness.

“What are you doing here?! Why did you leave the party?” You ask as you wrap your hands around him and cling your legs around his waist. He proceeds to carry you inside locking the door behind the both of you right after.

“Well I’d choose you over any party, any day babe.” He replies as he puts you back down on your feet.

“Really? Even if it’s a Beyonce and Jay-Z party?” You joke and he laughs.

“How’s your paper going?” He asks as you two make your way up to your bedroom.

“Meh.” You shrug and he laughs at you again.

“Have you eaten?” He asks again.

“Not yet and I’m actually kind of hungry.” You pout and Zach proceeds to take out his phone and call a nearby pizza place for delivery.


After a couple of hours of watching a movie and eating pizza, Zach decided to change the channel on your TV. Just then, Game of Thrones starts and a scene with Margaery Tyrell topless comes on screen. Zach turns to face you then puts his attention back to the TV, then again back at you with a dangerous smirk on his face.

"We ate so much pizza, we need to burn the calories off.” he suddenly suggests and you scoff at him.

“Well I can think of an activity we can definitely do together.” you say as you play with the hem of his shirt. 

You look up at him with a mischievous smirk plastered on your face. He deeply exhales before picking you up from beside him with all his might and placing you down on top of him, your legs wrapped around his waist as he sat up on your bed.

You were now face to face with Zach, his eyes dark with lust. He places both of his hands on your thighs with a gentle squeeze and you involuntarily hook both of your arms around his neck. His eyes trail from your eyes down to your nose and then your slightly parted lips. He then crashes his lips into yours and you moan into the kiss. His lips against yours made everything feel like magic.

A few seconds later and he moves his head on the crook of your neck. He trails kisses from your chin down to the side of your neck. You could feel his warm breath stagger against your delicate skin and the next thing you know, he goes on to bite your neck gently. You could feel his teeth against the part of your skin as he was tugging on it playfully. Your eyes automatically shut in response as you lean your head back in ecstasy. The feeling sent tingles down your spine.

Your grip around his neck tightened and you could somehow feel him smirk against your neck as you pull back on his hair for him to come up for air. You teased him, lightly brushing against his member as you took his shirt off above his head and he does the same with yours. Once you were both undressed, you began to stroke his member, giving him a lustful look.

“Y/N fuck.” Zach moaned. It was consuming to see him go crazy at your touch. It was like you completely had him under your spell and you didn’t mind being in control every once and a while. You wrapped your hand around the base of his member as your mouth slowly traveled up and then down on it.

“Fuck, babe.” he says with his teeth clenched.

You looked up at him from time to time to see the satisfaction painted on his face as he bit on his bottom lip. The harder you went, the louder and deeper his groans were. He was definitely on a high from everything that was happening. Zach pushes you off gently and pins you down on your bed.

He pulls out a condom from the bottom of your nightstand and places it on his growing erection. Finally, he pushes into you slowly, his size filling you perfectly. You moan out as he begins to thrust into you. He starts off slowly then continues to pick up the pace causing you to moan in utter pleasure.

“Zach! Oh my God! Right there!” You exclaim as you hung onto his broad shoulders. Your nails dig deep into his back, motivating him to go even faster.

Soon enough, you both reach your climax at the same time. Your orgasm doesn’t last too long before Zach pulls himself out of you. He rolls on the other side of the bed as the both of you tried to catch your breath.

“You know, my parents are also going away next weekend. I’ll try to convince them to bring my little sister with them.” Zach jokes in between breaths. I turn to face him and laugh as he pulls the blanket up for the both of us. He pulls me into him from under the covers as he places a kiss on the crown of my head and we sleep the night away in each other’s arms.


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