Hannah Baker|Flirting

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Warnings: Fluff and Hannah being a smol bean

“Fuckkk, It’s so coool!” You sighed at your computer screen, resting your head on your hand and scrolling with the other.

“Y/N, I’ve said I’ll go with you!” Your best friend, Clay, threw his arms up.

“I know but-”

“You’d rather have her. I get it.” He faked annoyance, but his sly grin was hard to hide.

“Not that she’d go with me, anyway.” You despaired.

“Would you stop saying that? Just ask her already.”

“She’ll think I’m a nerd.” you motioned to the computer screen displaying the information about the Geminid Meteors. Clay rolled his eyes.

“It’s just so exciting!” Your eyes lit up as they met the screen again.

“What is?” Hannah asked, taking a seat in the chair next to you. The voice made a lump form in your throat.

“Uh-” You stuttered, taken aback by her sudden appearance.

“This meteor shower thing. Y/N wants to go, but I’m busy and her parents won’t let her out alone so late.” Clay lied. You shot him daggers.

“Oh, really? That’s awesome! I’ll go with you, I’d love to see it.” She smiled. When she noticed your silence, she faltered a little, “If that’s okay with you…”

“Yes! Yes, of course! Thank you Hannah.” You grinned back.

You and Hannah had been friends ever since she’d moved to Liberty High, and somewhere along the line you’d fallen, deeply, for her. She was one of the most beautiful girls you’d ever seen, and the way she lit up a room when she entered was magical.


CLAY: Tony just texted, asking if we still wanted to use his Mustang for the stargazing


CLAY: But it’s okay, he said you and Hannah can borrow it, and wishes you luck ;)

CLAY: Think he’s an even bigger Y/S/N shipper than me

YOU: Shut up Clay


You sat in Tony’s Mustang anxiously, outside Hannah’s house. You were wearing your favourite warm dress, and the backseat was packed with multiple fluffy blankets and hot flasks of soup, and two pairs of binoculars. Your fingers tapped against the steering wheel. What if she noticed you wanted this to be more of a date and got scared? What if she outwardly told you she didn’t like you?

A tap on the window interrupted you. Hannah was holding two coffee shop cups and had a blanket over her shoulder. You smiled at her and unlocked the car so she could get in.

“What’s in the mystery cups?” You chuckled.

“Hot chocolate. A stranger once told me it’s the cure for all things shitty in life. And i thought, since this will be absolutely epic, it can’t do anything but make it better, right?” she placed the two cups in the cup holders and threw her blanket in the backseat with yours.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up…”

“Oh, I would.” She pressed her lips in the most certain smile, which reassured and calmed you.


The car door banged shut, and you shook out the blanket you’d taken, laying it neatly over the bonnet of the car, then layering another on top.

“Now, be careful, if anything happens to Tony’s baby, he may murder you.” You joked. “Actually, he’d definitely murder you.”

“Believe me I wouldn’t dare.” She laughed. The light sound warmed your cold bones.

The two of you sprawled on the blankets on the Mustang, downing hot chocolate. A third blanket, plus the one Hannah had brought, were draped over you, not letting a single fleck of cold air in. You were fairly close to one another so that the blankets fir over you both, but you weren’t complaining.

“Mmmm.” You sighed in pleasure, the warm sweet liquid slipping down your throat.

“Even if for whatever reason the meteors don’t come out, this alone is perfect.” Hannah watched the starlit sky with childlike eyes, before flickering a glance at you for only a second, and you could’ve sworn you saw her blush.

You watched as she sipped her hot chocolate and let her surroundings fill her with wonder. This has got to be the right time, you thought.

“Hannah?” you gulped.

“Y/N?” She mimicked.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” you fumbled.

“What?” There was a look of worry concealed beneath her cool exterior.

“Well…promise you won’t hate me? But… I sort of, kind of, really like you?” You exhaled.

“I really like you too, Y/N.” She smiled gently.

“No, Hannah, I mean as more than a friend.”

“So do I.”

“Oh.” you were speechless for a moment, before the reveal caught up with you, “Really?!”

She chuckled, placing down the empty hot chocolate cup behind her. “Obviously, I was starting to get a little worried that you were completely not getting the hint.”

“What hint?” You almost shouted, still shocked.

“You didn’t realize I was constantly flirting with you?” She laughed loudly. “Like, pretty much ever since we met?”


Your confused expression sent Hannah into further fits of giggles.

“Come here.” She pulled your chin to her face. Her soft lips met yours passionately, and you could feel her smile through the kiss. A stray finger tangled through the other’s hair every now and then, while your lips were loving each other. Hannah rolled slightly so that she was on top of you. You opened your eyes a small amount to see where your hand was going, but a glint of something caught them, and you ended up practically pushing Hannah off you.

“Hannah, look!” You pointed excitedly up to the sky, where you could see a fantastical meteor shower. Hannah’s laugh once again made your body shiver with warmth, and her eyes followed your finger to the constellations.

“It’s beautiful.” She stated. However, her eyes were not focused on the meteors, but on your thrilled face and the starry reflection in your Y/E/C eyes.

Finally I've done a story where the girl is the lead❤️

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