Zach Dempsey|Touch 2

960 9 2

Warnings: So many idc

everything was spinning around you. you felt delirious, but in the absolute best way. the encounter that you had shared with zach earlier that day made your heart pound at the mere thought. 

you went through the rest of the day on edge. you were like a little toy, and zachary dempsey had wound you up. 

this was a foreign feeling to you. you were oozing sensitivity, walking down the hallways hot and bothered. you exchanged longing glances with zach every time you passed each other. 

at lunch, you considered sitting with the boys, but after seeing the way that zach couldn’t take his eyes off of you, you walked right past the table to tease him. you looked over your shoulder to lock eyes with him, swaying your hips with a smirk as you made your way across the cafeteria. 

“i swear, zach, your girl is something else.” you hear one of the boys call out. you smile to yourself and sit down across from sheri, the blush slowly creeping into your cheeks.

“so, you and dempsey huh?” she says while wiggling her eyebrows at you. 

“uh, yeah, i guess.” you say trying to control your smile. you were still mildly starstruck that the boy had admitted his feelings for you. 

“finally,” sheri starts, “that boy has been pining after you for months!” she says with a laugh. you look down and cover your face as the heat took complete control of your cheeks. you meet sheri’s eyes and both of you laugh as you continue to eat your lunch and exchange random conversation. 

you peer across the cafeteria to meet zach’s burning gaze. he watches you intently as you lift the spoon to your mouth, putting it in, and then pulling it out slowly, his eyes never leaving your lips. you smirk and then sheri turns to look at zach before looking back at you. 

 "ugh you guys are gross, get a room!“ she says and you giggle with her uncontrollably. zach looks down at his tray, smiling widely and shaking his head. 

 8th period finally rolls around and you’re just about ready to explode. throughout the entire class period, zach had done everything to make contact with you. he brushed you, rubbed his arm against yours, touched your hand slightly with his while you both wrote. he was driving you crazy, and he knew it too. the bell rang and you bolted out of the classroom, making him chase after you. 

you arrived at your locker, and zach leaned against the one next to it with a sly smile. 

 "hey baby girl.” the nickname rolls effortlessly off of his tongue. you shiver, and zach takes in the effect that it has on you. he pushes up off the locker to stand behind you. you close your locker and turn around, your back pressed against it. you look up to zach and smile. 

 "i’ll be at your house after practice, okay y/n?“ he says as he comes closer to you, positioning himself between your legs. you gasp and your eyes flutter as he presses himself against you. he kisses your temple and then leans down to place a kiss on your lips. it’s sweet and gentle, but also full of the need that he’s holding back. he pulls away and winks at you while jogging towards the gym. 

 your heart pounds in your chest as you bite your lip and smile. you would never get used to zach being all over you. you watch him until he disappears down the hall, and you stand alone with the taste of him on your lips. 

 when you get home, you sigh contently into the empty house. not only were you excited for zach to come over, you were also filled with sexual frustration. you waste no time jogging up the stairs and to your bedroom to relieve some of your stress. 

 you rid yourself of your clothes, making your way over to the bed. you sigh as your warm skin meets the cool sheets and your hand begins to drift south towards your already aching core. you placed feathery touches on your inner thighs while kneading your sensitive breasts. all you could think about is what you would be doing if zach was there. 

your hands ghosted over every place that you wanted him to touch you. you began to massage your clit slowly, the sensation causing your hips to buck as you whimpered. you needed zach to be there touching you. you needed his fingers to be teasing your clit. moaning at the thought, you dip one finger into your wetness before adding a second. pumping in and out at a steady pace, you fantasize about the basketball player. the way he would grip you, the electricity that jolted through your body when he touched you.

too invested in yourself, you didn’t hear the door open. zach stood in your door frame, a shocked expression that was quickly replaced with a smug look. 

“you couldn’t wait for me, huh darlin’?” he says and you freeze in your place, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable. he walks over to your place on the bed slowly, never breaking eye contact with you. 

 "need a hand with that?“ he says in a raspy voice. you nod your head, not trusting yourself to speak. you could hardly form words in your head in the first place. zach’s eyes rake up and down your naked body while he licks his lips. "god, you’re so beautiful. i’m so glad coach let us out of practice early, i couldn’t take it anymore. i needed you.” he says.

 you moan as he rubs his hand up and down your exposed thigh. zach brings his face to yours, barely brushing his lips with your own. “also, you should lock your door, sweetheart. that could have been anyone walking into your house like that.” he tells you and you nod again. his low voice was making you even more wet, if possible. 

zach lowered his hand to your heat, making you gasp out in pleasure. he softly touches your inner thighs, lightly running his nails up and down them, missing your core completely. 

 "please, just do something. i want to feel your touch.“ you cry out. he kisses you deeply and smiles against your lips. his long fingers glide over your folds, wetting them with your arousal before he pushes them into you. your head drops back with a moan and you arch into him so that he can go deeper. 

 "fuck zach, faster.” you pant. his thumb presses down onto your clit, circling it until you’re about to come undone. his expert hands continued to work until you start to see white. 

 "i- i’m close.“ you managed to squeak out. upon hearing those words, zach fingers left you, and he placed kisses down your stomach. 

 "get up against the headboard.” he practically growled. you did as he said, and his mouth connected to your throbbing core. his teeth grazed against your clit and you cried out, using every fiber of your being not to cum. 

he used the tip of his tongue to flick at your clit before inserting his fingers again. “you like that, baby?” he asks you, looking up. you gasp out and screw your eyes shut while you writhe under his touch. he starts pumping faster, and uses his other arm to grip you in place.

 "shit, zach, i’m about to cum.“ you say to him hoarsely while tugging on his hair. he moans from your actions and it vibrates through your core, pushing you over the edge. your body began to tremble uncontrollably as he continued to finger you through your orgasm, his name a gasping moan on your lips. 

 he hovers above you and kisses you before flopping down next to you while you try to catch your breath. you look to the tent in his pants and grab his bulge gingerly while he lets out a hiss. 

“now let me take care of you, baby boy.”

 a/n: ksjsjsjddb i’m SHAKING. hope u guys enjoy, currently working on 2 more requests that should be up soon so be on the lookout hehe.


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