Jeff Atkins|Party Tricks

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Warnings: Smut Fluff and swearing my usual bullshit

The party was bustling, the music was pumping, and you couldn’t seem to take your hands off Jeff. 

A few hours prior Jeff had hit the home run that won your school the state championship and you couldn’t be prouder. Your throat was raw from screaming his name through out the whole game and your hair was a mess from jumping out of your seat every time he stepped out to play. 

The moment the game was won you ran down the steps of the bleachers and threw yourself in his arms. He greeted you with a loud, “baby!”, and spun you around while you smothered his face with kisses. He laughed as you attacked him with your lips, setting you down before taking your face in his hands and giving you a proper kiss. 

All of his team mates began hollering as they watched him kiss you, egging him on. “Get it at the party Atkins, we gotta go!” 

He pulled away with a sigh, “Come on, they won’t leave us alone until we go with them.”

So now here you were, back-against the wall, his fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you closer to him. 

You hadn’t started off the party this way. You were once playing suck and blow until the dude that was supposed to pass it to you let the card fall. Jeff simply turned your face to his, kissing you before the guy could even begin to think about it. From then on a few kisses escalated into a full-blown make out session and Jeff was pulling you into the nearest room. 

With a giggle you pulled away from the kiss, slipping away from him to lock the door of the room you were in. He shakes his head at you with a laugh, “You know that this is someone’s room right?”

“Well what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” You say with a grin. You walk over to him, grabbing the collar of his jacket bringing him close to your lips. “Plus, i’ve been waiting to get you alone since the game.” 

He raises his eyebrows at you, “Oh yeah?” 

You nod up at him, a small smile on your lips. “You played so good today and I never got to properly congratulate you.” 

You were slowly backing him up towards the bed, until he hit the edge and plopped down. His eyes followed your every move as you brought your legs up to straddle him.

You set yourself down on him and he immediately placed his hands to rest on the side of your hips. He let you have the control, sitting quietly as you roamed your fingers down his chest, teasing him.

You finally brought your lips to his, kissing him lightly as you pulled his jacket down his arms. He sprung to action, wrapping his arms tight around your waist pulling you flush against his body. You rubbed your hands down his arms, feeling the softness of his skin and the ridges of his muscles. Your hands began trailing up to his neck, slipping into his hair, as you slowly massaged the skin of his scalp. He let out a small moan, separating from your lips. “That feels nice.”

You smiled in response as you brought your lips to the flesh of his neck, sucking lightly, earning sighs from him. You gently pushed him back on the bed, your mouth still on him. Your lips trailed down to his collar bones and you left his skin red in what you knew would blossom into purple bruises by tomorrow.

He sat up curiously, watching you with lustful eyes as you moved your body lower down the bed. With your knees on the floor and your hands pushing his legs apart, you faced his clothed erection. You could still feel his eyes burning into you as you kneaded his thighs, dangerously close to touching him where he needed it the most.

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