Zach Dempsey|Come over

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Warnings: Smut and Cursing

Zach was over at your’s to study for the communications exam. Your parents were on a business trip, so you had the house to yourself.

You and Zach, rather than study, took the empty opportunity to make out on your bed.

His body laid atop yours, his thigh between your legs. You had your fingers entwined in his hair, keeping his lips close to yours. Your throat let out a moan when he pushed knee up to gain leverage, hitting the one spot you needed him most.

He held your elbow and started to pull away. You pouted when your once warm lips met the cold air. He panted and pecked your nose.

“Come back here,” you begged, cupping your hand to the nape of his neck. He shook his head.

“I gotta go, (y/n). I’m babysitting my sister tonight.” He sat up on the bed, swinging his left to the edge. “Maybe tomorrow?”

You groaned. Tonight was the only night your parents wouldn’t be home. You really wanted to take advantage of it.

“But Zach,” you mumbled. You cuddled up to his back, your legs wrapping around his waist. “I want you to stay,” you whispered lowly into his ear.

You kissed the area beneath his ear, his weakness. Your hands roamed his torso while you kissed down his neck. Zach let out a deep growl. His gripped your thighs, giving into you entirely.

You unlatched yourself from him. He stood up to face you and you kneeled on the bed to gain some height. He cupped your chin, forcefully, but passionately kissing you. Your hands found their way up his t-shirt, your fingertips grazing over his muscles.

He led you down on the bed, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck before his stood again. He took off his top, revealing his perfectly sculpted body. You bit the corner of your lip at the sight of him.

He leaned toward you, connecting your lips once more. This time, his hand reached under your shirt. He grasped your bra, pulling the cup down. His course hands against your sensitive bud sent shivers down your spine. You moaned in his mouth, biting his lip. He helped you pull of your shirt.

His mouth quickly attached to your chest, kissing the round tops of your breasts. You arched your back in pleasure, which gave Zach the access to unclasp your bra. You shimmied the straps down your arms and Zach threw the piece to the side.

He attacked your neck forcing your chin up. His hands palmed your breasts, his knee pressed against your heat. Your hand covered your mouth- a frequent reflex- to muffle your moans.

“Y/n, don’t try to be quiet,” Zach begged. “I need to hear you.”

You bit your lip, embarrassed. He tugged the top of your jeans, unbuttoning them to slip off. He stood to take off your pants. You gladly helped him by pulling your legs out. You sat up,  toying with the straps on his pants.

You cupped his bulge causing his eyes to close. He let out groggy whispers, cursing your name. You slowly pulled his pants down, taking in your time to witness his anxious pleasure. You tugged at the waistband of his boxers, kissing his v-line.

When you pulled down his waistband, his hard on pulsed in the cold air. He shivered, begging you to do something.

You kissed his swollen tip, shallowly taking him into your mouth. He let out a throaty groan, grasping your hair in a knot.

“Deeper, babe,” he groaned. “Deeper.”

You did as he asked. His tip reached the back of your throat, which caused him to twitch. You found a steady, yet fast pace. His eyes were screwed shut, his mouth gaped open. The moans echoed off the walls.

“Fuck!” He growled. You knew he was getting close. “Stop, babe. Not here.” You saw the pain in his eyes when he pushed you away.

You pulled away, slightly confused.

“Lay back,” he ordered. He was trying to prevent his high.

He propped your legs up, spreading them to get access to you. He kissed your center, already feeling your dampness. You exhaled sharply when he licked up the middle.

“Zach,” you whispered. “Please.”

He slipped your undies down your legs leaving you bare. He spread your legs again, kissing down your thighs. He took his time to build up anticipation. He kissed your lips, allowing his tongue to slip between your folds. You gripped his hair, cursing his name.

His hands wrapped around your thighs, keeping your body from squirming around. Your head dug into the bed as you let your moans echo.

Zach slipped a finger within you, causing your back to arch. You begged him for more, feeling your toes curl.

He left you thighs, letting his swollen lips meet your hungry once. He put his finger in your mouth, which you gladly sucked on.

He positioned himself between your legs. He teased your slit with his tip. You wiggled around, causing him to giggle.

“Sit still, babe,” Zach panted.

He thrusted into you slowly, but still causing you to gasp. He was only half in before he pulled back out. He dove in once more, letting his entire length into you. You groaned into your arm.

He pumped himself a few times before leaning over you. He propped himself up on his forearms, right beside your face. He kissed you, letting your tongue into his mouth. He huffed as he thrusted.

“Zach,” you moaned. Your nails dug into his shoulder.

He buried his face in your neck. His grunts and groans were loud in your ear. His pace was slow, but hard and deep. Your throat only allowed you breath heavily.

Zach pulled himself up, leaning on his hands to get a higher angle. You gripped his forearms, leaning your head back. He found a steady pace that hit your g-spot perfectly.

He used his thumb to massage your clit, sending vibrations up your back. Your nails scratched his biceps, embracing every sensation you felt.

You called his name, making him ware that you were about to come. He continued his thrusts till you arched your back, releasing your pleasures onto him. He bit his lip as you rode out your high on him.

He pulled out and you took him into your hand. You pumped his hard on over your stomach.

“Fuck, y/n,” he grunted.

He let out groans of pleasure when he came on your torso. He pulsed in your hand, letting his high down. You sat up, and pulled him down for a kiss.

He panted as you pulled away.

“You should probably go,” you said sadly.

Zach looked at you, taking in the sight of his beautiful and exhausted girlfriend. “My sister’s bed time is nine, and she’s a heavy sleeper. You want to come over?”

You bit your lip, debating the idea.

“Sure, why not?”


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