Bryce Walker|Romeo

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Warnings: Short story and fluff

Last night your long time boyfriend Bryce had slept over. Obviously your parents didn’t know about it if they would they would  freak.

Lucky for you his house is right next to yours so he was able to climb in through your window for some alone time. You just woke up and looked next to you to see Bryce next to you shirtless and still sleeping. You got out of bed went to your closet and just grabbed the first shirt you could find and went to the bathroom. When you walked out of the bathroom Bryce was still asleep so you decided to wake him up. You went to sit next to him and kissed his cheek and ran your hand through his messy hair.

“Bryce, baby it’s time to wake up.” You said softly.

“Mhm….”Bryce sighed as he turned his back towards you.

“Baby come on you need to wake up.” You said crossing your arms.

“I don’t want to..” He said not moving.

You sighed and grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face.

“Bryce Walker wake up.” You said angrily as you kept hitting him in the face.

“Okay okay I’m up stop hitting me with your pillow.” He said as he sat up.

“Well I would love to wake up to this view every morning.” You said looking at his shirtless chest.

“Oh I know you would.” He said pulling you closer and smirking at you.

“Come on put on your clothes. You need to leave before my parents wake up.” You said pulling away from him and standing up.

“Ugh Come on Y/N why can’t we just tell them about us.” He said standing up.

“Because after what you did they don’t like you very much.” You said throwing his shirt and pants at him.

“I already told them it wasn’t my fault.” He said putting on his pants.

“I know that and I believe that it wasn’t you who crashed my dad’s car but they don’t and I can’t change that.” You said kissing his cheek and hugging him.

“Wait a minute.” He said confused and pushed you away a little.

“What??” You asked confused.

“Is that my shirt?” He asked looking at the shirt you were wearing.

“Ummm maybe.” You said blushing slightly.

“Where did you get that?” He asked amused.

“I might have put on one of your shirt’s when I was at your house because I was cold and forgot to take it off.” You said blushing even more.

“I knew I was missing a shirt.” He said as he quickly pecked your lips.

“So you’re not mad?” You asked.

“Baby if I knew you looked this hot in my clothes then I would have given you one of my shirts months ago.” He said smirking.

“So is this you giving me permission to steal your clothes?” You asked with a smile.

“Yes please steal them and walk around in them like this cause I really like the view.” He said looking at your butt as you walked away to take some pants to put on.

“Bryce stop looking at my butt.” You said putting on your jeans.

“Fine then you stop looking at my abs.”  He said putting on his shirt.

“You know what just look at my butt as much as you want.” You said with a smile.

“Now as much as I love you and your abs. You need to go my parents are gonna be up any minute.” You said pushing him towards your window.

“Fine. I love you.” He said looking in your eyes.

“I love you too.” You said smiling at him.

You connected your lips and put your hands in his hair as he put his hands on your waist. After a few seconds you pulled away and quickly kissed his cheek before he climbed down the ivy on the side of your house.

“See ya later Juliet.” He said smiling at you.

“Later Romeo.” You said closing your window.


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