Justin Foley|Take it all off

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Warnings: Smut swearing some angst and a long ass story

You were stood in front of your mirror, curling your hair, watching in the mirror as Justin gritted his teeth, taking in what you were wearing, a small crop top, which showed an ample amount of cleavage and a plaid mini skirt, that you should definitely not bend over in. “Take. It. Off.” He spat, gesturing to your outfit.

“Justin, you’re my best friend, not my father, lay off.” You rolled your eyes and continued to loosely curl strands of your hair.

“This isn’t fucking funny Y/N. Bryce and Montgomery are going to be at this party!” Justin stalked up and down the width of your bedroom. You rarely went to parties, but you decided to accompany Justin as he was trying to ease himself back into the community. “Take. It. The. Fuck. Off.” Justin demanded again, coming to a stop at the end of your bed.

“FINE!” You yelled at Justin and rested your curlers down on their heatproof mat. You turned around to face Justin and yanked your crop top off and then pushed your skirt down, leaving you stood in front of Justin in just a lacy bralette and a lace thong.

Justin’s mouth dropped open and his eyes widened as he tried to keep his gaze on your face. Justin failed, and he swallowed weakly as his eyes dropped to your cleavage.

“Y/N…” Justin’s voice was hoarse and almost held a warning to it, but his weak tone failed to carry the warning it intended to. In all the time that the two of you had been best friends, Justin had never seen you this way. You’d seen him half naked a fair amount, but you were fairly used to it. You tilted your head and raised your eyebrow at Justin in almost a challenge.

Justin sat on the foot of your bed and dropped a hand on the front of his jeans, not wanting you to notice that he’d become aroused from looking at you. It had been hard enough not to be aroused when you were still wearing the poor excuse for clothes, it was impossible once you’d taken them off. Perhaps he should’ve been more specific when he told you to take your clothes off.

You noticed Justin’s reaction and how he was trying to cover it up. You walked over to where Justin sat and stared down at him. “Take your hand off your lap.” You demanded, crossing your arms across your chest, pushing your cleavage up unknowingly. Justin swallowed nervously and looked to his left and out of your window. “Take. It. Off. Justin!” You mimicked Justin’s earlier word’s.

Justin’s wide eyes met yours and he gulped as he moved his hand off of his lap. Together, your eyes drifted to Justin’s lap, where his erection was clearly straining against his zipper. “Y/N, I…” You shook your head as Justin trailed off.

You stepped in between Justin’s legs and put your hand on Justin’s shoulder. Justin’s face was flushed as he finally looked up at you. Justin was expecting to see a look of disgust on your face, but instead he was met with dilated pupils and a light flush covering your cheeks, lust. You turned and sat on Justin’s knee, before grasping Justin’s face between your hands and pulling it to yours, smashing your lips together.

Responding immediately, Justin moved his lips against yours eagerly, arms looping around your waist to keep you in his lap. You shifted slightly, and your thigh brushed up against Justin’s hardened length, earning a delicious moan from Justin, which was almost lost in your kiss.

The moan gave you enough confidence to stand up and push your thong down your legs and unclasp your bra, letting it fall at your feet. Justin whined and tried to resist staring at your naked body.

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