Bryce Walker|Tutor

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Warnings: Swearing assault and maybe somewhat fluff idk

"Dear Diary,This week started off fucked up."

Halls of Liberty high 9am-

"Hey y/n can I talk to you real quick" I turned around to see the man whore of Liberty High, "What the fuck do you want Bryce?" I say rolling my eyes.

Don't get me wrong not all jocks are piece's of shit but this one probably was.

"Why so fiesty baby? Don't get me wrong it's hot but rude" I rolled my eyes again I knew his friends were listening when he spoke like this.

"Didn't you want to ask me something? not piss me off, well actually I guess there the exact same things but hey" "Yeah um I seen you got a A+ on our last math test and I was wondering could you tutor me? Like Jensen does for Jeff"

I was kinda shocked by him asking for my help I kinda always thought his dad would probably buy his grades for him. "Um I suppose I could give it a shot with helping you, But you actually want to learn right?" Bryce threw his hands in the air "I'll be the perfect gentleman you'll see my hands at all times unless you don't want to" He winked and his friends started laughing as he walked back.

Honestly, I only agreed to tutor him because our parents are business friends and I wanted him to go away incase anybody seen us speak.

Math class 1pm-

I was sitting in the back row of math with Clay and Hannah when Bryce and Scott Reed walked in. "Please don't come near me or mention anything" is all I said over and over in my head, And boom like a bad dream he sits right in front of me with Scott and Jeff Atkins.

"Hey can't wait for my first lesson tonight how about 9pm at my place" In that instant Clay and Hannah both look at me with the oh no don't do that face.

"Um sure Bryce text me directions"
I say to try and shut him up before the whole school hears but me being a dumbass didn't know he doesn't have my number. "I'll need your number then teach" he says high fiving Scott. Oh my god I'm fucking dumb. "Fine give me your phone and also it's y/n don't try me" "I seriously have to keep calling you y/n? Fine"

Lunch 1:45pm-
"Y/n I seriously can't believe your tutoring Bryce he's a literal dick hole you know that right? Hannah tells me I sigh "Yes Hannah I know he's an ass but our folks are friends so I'm somewhat not in control of this and please keep it low key I don't need people knowing i was in the Walker household I say face palming myself.

"Fine but please stay safe and keep your clothes on at all times I mean it" I couldn't help but nearly cry laughing "Oh my god Hannah I'm seriously not interested in Bryce Walker"

"What's so funny?" Alex asked looking confused with Jessica and Clay. Hannah thinks I want to fuck Bryce god damn Walker" I say laughing while everyone sits with there straightest face.

"Well if y/n's done being weird as fuck, No surprise we can have a normal conversation" Alex says joking around.

Home 5pm-
I just finish my chemistry homework and get ready for my dance lessons when I get directions from Bryce. So I text him "Bryce, sorry but I'm literally gunna be too tired to drive after dance practice, if you wanna come over too my place and start that's cool or we can switch it to another day?"

Yes I probably could have a nap, but he's not worth waking up from an amazing nap for.

I really did pray that he'd say another day would be fine but Bryce Walker being Bryce Walker texts back "Your place? Even better" I roll my eyes and sent him directions.

Home Hall 9pm
I hear a knock at the door, I take my time going down stairs because nobody else was going to get to it before me. my parents were gone away on business again, Looking back that was probably a mistake letting him come over with just me home.

It only took me a minute to get down but he knocked like 50 times pissing me off "Jesus Bryce I thought you were going to knock my door down what the fuck?" He just smirked "I just thought you got cold feet about our study date baby don't be mad" "Seriously if your gunna keep up saying bullshit like that get the fuck out I'm not kidding" I gave him the most serious look I can and with that he "have it your way"

As were walking up to my room I thought I should let him know where he stood "You know I'm only doing this because my parents would kill me if I didn't." I declared with a smile. "I'm still sitting in y/f/n's room, Too go where no man has ever went. He winked I just rolled my eyes honestly I'm just trying to get through this.

Bedroom 10:30
After a while Bryce had stopped saying stupid shit and we actually got down to working on math and I couldn't believe he wanted to learn. But all good things must come to an end because as I was reading something I felt his hand going up and down my leg, "Bryce seriously I'm not interested and just when I started to respect you" I say rolling my eyes and moving his hand.

But unlike the other times he didn't stop as soon as I moved his hand from my leg he started touching my waist,
"Okay I really think we should finish up now" I say getting off the bed giving him a small smile to pretend I didn't notice because for the first time in my life I was scared of Bryce.

Usually I tell him to fuck off and he goes away but it's getting worse. "Why would we finish up something now when we just started something new" he says grabbing my hair and traceing shapes up my stomach

All of a sudden Clay bursts in "Bryce what the hell are you doing you sick fuck?!" "Unless you want another ass beating get the fuck out were playing" "I have 911 on speed dial so let her go or you ass is going to prison" All of a sudden Bryce threw me onto the bed and starts walking out "Whatever she came onto me first" As soon as I heard the front door slam all I could do was cry onto Clays shoulder.

"Shhh your safe now" he'd say hugging me tight "You and Hannah were right I shouldn't have let him over here" I cried thinking about what would have happened if Clay didn't show up.

He may not be perfect but Clay Jensen is my perfect best friend.

Omfg that ending was shit why am I like this I need help very badly.

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