Tyler Down|Even

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Warnings:Swearing and shit idgaf

You and Tyler had been together for a long time. But since you were popular and he wasn’t he didn’t want people to know that the two of you were going out. He already was a huge target for the jock’s that he didn’t want to become an even bigger target because he was dating you. Also your best friend is Montgomery De La Cruz so that was the biggest reason why the two of you weren’t public. The both of you didn’t really like having to hide your relationship because that meant that the two of you couldn’t go out to the movies you just had to hang out either at your place or his. You were standing at your locker talking to Jessica and Monty when you saw Tyler pass you. He saw you looking at him and smiled at you and you smiled back hoping that Monty wouldn’t notice but sadly he did. He turned around and saw Tyler he immediately grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the locker.

“Hey Ty-Ty what were you doing back there?” Monty asked as he pushed him even harder against the lockers.

“I-I-I was just umm….W-w-walking past here.” Tyler stuttered out scared.

“Yeah but you were looking and smiling at little Y/N here.” He said angrily.

“Monty let him go it’s fine.” You said trying to pull Monty away from Tyler.

“No it’s not Y/N he should know that he can’t just look at you. You are to good for him.” He said looking at you.

“I-I-I’ m really s-sorry.” Tyler said nervously looking at Monty.

“No no sorry isn’t good enough Ty-Ty.” Monty said as you saw that he was gonna raise his fist.

“Montgomery De La Cruz let him go right now.” You said angrily.

“Fine. But if I ever see you looking at Y/N again I’m gonna break your little camera on your face.” He said as he let Tyler go.

Before Monty walked away he pushed him against the locker one last time and laughed with Jessica following him. You stood there looking at Tyler with an apologetic.

‘I’m so sorry’ You mouthed to him.

He just smiled and looked down before walking away and you following Jessica and Monty. After school you went home and changed since you and Tyler were gonna be hanging out today at his house. After walking for a few minutes you arrived at Tyler’s house and knocked on the door.

“Hey Y/N.” Tyler said as he smiled at you.

“Hey Ty.” You said as you kissed his cheek and walked inside his house.

The two of you walked to his room and went to sit on his bed.

“Look I’m really sorry Tyler for Monty today.” You said looking at him apologetically.

“Are you and Monty dating?” He asked looking at you with a sad look.

“What!? No of course not. Why would you think that.” You said confused as you scooted closer to him so you could lean your head on his shoulder.

“I don’t know. It’s just he seemed so protective of you.” He said looking down.

“Hey Tyler. I love you okay I don’t love Monty half of the time I don’t even like him. So please don’t worry okay. I am all yours.” You said as you kissed his jaw.

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