Bryce Walker|Jealousy

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Warnings: Arguing and swearing

We just search romantic comedies on Netflix and then see what we find?” You spoke, walking into the living room of your apartment, looking at the brunette boy who was sitting on the couch. You handed the bowl of popcorn to Monty, sitting down next to him and looking at your phone to see if Bryce had messaged you.

“When does Bryce get back?” Monty asked, already looking on the ‘Romantic Comedies’ sub-genre on Netflix, scrolling through the movies. You looked at your phone, seeing the time he had texted you. “He get backs after midnight, so yeah.” You grabbed a few pieces of popcorn, popping them in your mouth and waiting for Monty to pick a movie.

Since Bryce had gone somewhere close by with his family for an interview with the police of some sort, you had stayed behind, since he would only be gone for a few hours. You had invited your friend Montgomery over, since you were quite bored and you needed someone to watch a movie with. You and Monty had quite a close relationship, since he was one of your best friends, and had introduced you to Bryce.

“Okay, okay!” You laughed, handing Monty the controller, letting him pick the movie again. You had just finished watching the second movie (you had picked both of them) and Monty wanted to pick the next one. “What's the time?” You asked, grabbing his wrist to look at the watch. It was only 10:25 at night. You took a deep breath, standing up and stretching your arms above your head, feeling the bones pop in your back.

Monty was sat on the couch, going through the movies on Netflix once again as you walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge. “Do you want a drink, Mont?!” You called out, pulling the jug of orange juice from the fridge, placing it on the counter. “Yeah, sure!” He called out. You poured the juice into two cups, about to grab them when you heard your phone ring. “Can you answer that?” You asked, putting the jug back in the fridge. Hearing Monty on your phone made you a bit nervous. What if it was your doctor or your parents?

You walked into the living room, placing the cups down on the coffee table. Monty’s arm was resting across the back of the couch, ankle resting on his knee as he spoke to the person on the other line of your phone. “Who is it?” You asked quietly, sitting on the edge of the coffee table and taking a sip from the cup.

“Bryce,” Monty spoke, a smile on his lips. “Want to talk to him?” Monty handed the phone to you, making you smile. You held the phone to your ear, standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

“Hey there, handsome.” You grinned, leaning against the counter and hearing his voice through the speaker. “Hey there, beautiful. How are you?” He asked. You could hear the rest of his family chatting, and you could just imagine him leaning against the window, and his headphones shoved in his ear, a smile on his lips as his family all teased him about him being lovey-dovey.

“I’m going good, thank you. Monty’s just been invited over because I have nothing to do. So we’re just watching movies.” You ran your fingers through your hair, hearing the huff in his voice. “What?”

“Nothing. Just, hang tight. I’ll be home soon.” He took a deep breath, hesitating on the last three words. “I love you.”

“um okay…”

I really wasn't ready to tell Bryce I love him yet.

Bryce walked into your apartment, being as quiet as he could. It was past 1am and the car had just dropped him off. He dropped his back pack at the door, kicking off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the hooks mounted to the wall. He saw that the TV was still on, so he walked towards the lounge. Seeing the familiar head of his friend, he had hoped that you had fallen asleep on either the other end of the couch, or in your shared bedroom.

“Hey Cruz?” He whispered, not sure if he was awake. When he got no response, he sighed, tiptoeing towards the TV. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking on the couch. Once he had seen how you and Monty were positioned, he felt… jealous. Your head was rested on Monty’s thigh, soft snores and parted lips. Monty was slouched quite weirdly, making sure you were comfortable. His arm was resting on your side, but he did look like he was about to fall over.

Bryce took a deep breath, nudging you, in hopes that you would wake you up. You were usually a light sleeper, which was annoying when he woke up early for baseball practice, but you’d end up going back to sleep after he left. “Babe?” Bryce whispered, looking up at Monty, making sure he didn’t wake up his friend.

A small sound came from your lips, your eyelids fluttering as you looked up at the blurry figure in front of you. You took a deep breath, slowly sitting up and rubbing your eyes. You were still a bit drowsy, but a lazy smile came across your lips as you saw the figure of your boyfriend kneeling in front of you. “Hey, there.” You smiled, taking his hands as he pulled you up, bringing you to your chest.

“C’mon, let’s get you to bed.” Bryce let you go, but still held your hand. “Is Monty going to be comfortable on the couch? We can wake him up and let him sleep in my guest room,” you spoke softly, looking over your shoulder, seeing Monty’s figure still sitting up. Bryce sighed, rolling his eyes. “He’s going to be fine, (y/n). I’ll wake him up after I get you to bed.” Bryce opened the bedroom door, letting you walk in first. He closed the door softly behind the both of you

“How was the interview?” You murmured, pulling your shirt off and undoing your bra. You looked through your drawers, pulling out a shirt and putting it on. You slipped your leggings off, dumping the dirty clothes in the basket and stretching your arms above your head. “How do police interviews usually go?.” Bryce shrugged. He was still a little annoyed about how you had been spending time with Monty and that you didn’t tell him. You looked at him, furrowing your eyebrows a little. “Are you okay?” You asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t ever want to see you with Monty. Especially not like that,” Bryce blurted out, crossing his arms over his chest. “Do you know how that makes me feel?”

“Bryce… He’s my best friend…” You looked up at the brunette, biting your lip. “No. He is my friend, and I don’t want you hanging around him anymore! I know, what your like. Yes, I am! You’re mine and I don’t want him stealing you away!” Bryce exclaimed, making you stand up, pulling a pair of plaid pants on.

“You’re crazy!” You exclaimed, walking out of the bedroom and to the couch, seeing Monty still asleep, but now laying down. You threw a blanket over him, grabbing your phone and turning the TV off. You huffed, seeing him following you. “You are absolutely crazy and Im sleeping in the spare bedroom until you get your marbles back!” You whisper-yelled, opening the spare room door and going to close it in his face, but he was quick and knew your movements.

Pretty dumb I'm sleeping in the spare room to my own home but Bryce wouldn't leave even if I asked him.

“(Y/N)!” Bryce groaned, standing in the doorway, but you pushed him into the hallway.

“I’ll talk to you in the morning.” You hissed, shutting the door in his face.


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