Bryce Walker| Hey sexy

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Warnings: Cursing and mentions of sexual assaults

I woke up to sound of my phone ringing on my bed side table. I groan and grab it sitting up.

“Hello?” I said hoarsely.

“Heyyy sexy, wake your fine ass up!” Bryce screamed in my ear. It was obvious he was with his friends at 7 in the morning. I rolled my eyes, he always act different when he’s with them.

“First stop yelling, and why did you wake me up, I don’t have to be to school till 9:30 babe”

I get up since I’m already wide awake and click on my TV.

“Because I’m going to pick you up so we can come to my place first”

Really sex before school Bryce? Leave it to him to have dumb ideas

“No way babe, and plus I already said Tony can drive me.”

“Tony?” I heard his friends laughing in the background, “why is Tony giving you a ride home, you want to fuck him instead?”

Again I heard his friends laughing and I wanted to hang up the phone and call back when he’s by himself. 

“You sound stupid babe, Tony is gay.”

There was a silence followed by an “Oh.”

“Yeah, oh. But I’ll call you later cause I need to start getting ready since I’m already up.”

“Okay, text me when you get into that creeps car.”

Again I rolled my eyes cause now he’s just being an ass.

“Good-bye by Bryce, see you by your locker”

“Okay sex-”

I hang up and start making up my bed. When I heard the news talking about Hannah on the TV I froze. I turned it up and glued my eyes to the picture of the beautiful girl on the screen. Even after weeks, I still find myself crying. Me and Clay were so close to her. Hell, me and Jeff were the ones to practically throw them together. I didn’t even know she was down that path and I hated myself for it. What kind of friend doesn’t see when another needs help?

I wiped my face, not even realizing I was crying and started getting dressed. I went downstairs and made a quick bowl of cereal while I waited for Tony.

As I scrolled through my news feed seeing things like ‘Hannah Never Forgotten’ and “Always Remembered’ I laughed cause none of them even gave her the time of day. I then got a text from Tony saying he’s outside. I grab my bag and jog down the steps to his bright mustang. I open his door and is welcome by his smile.

“Hey T” I smile

“Hey y/n/n”

He drives off as we start small talking about stuff like his boyfriend and this crazy project Ms.Kirchen is having us doing. In the middle of our conversation, my phone starts blowing up with texts from Bryce. Tony’s face changed, but then again it always changes when I bring up anything about Bryce.

“Okay Tony, stop holding your tongue.”

“I don’t know what your talking about” 

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