Clay Jensen|Seed

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Warnings: Teen pregnancy and fluff

“Okay, what’s wrong with you? You’re never this quiet.” Tyler nudged you in the side, pausing the video game the pair of you were playing and throwing his controller on the bed.

You bit down on your lip and stared down at your controller, suddenly finding it very interesting. You’d broken up with Clay a month and a half ago and you’d found out last week that you were 12 weeks pregnant (now almost 13 weeks). When you looked at yourself in your underwear, you could see the small swell of a baby bump, but with clothes on you couldn’t tell.

“I don’t know what to do, Ty.” You spoke downwards, towards your controller. “I’m pregnant.”

“Wait what?!” Tyler spoke incredulously. “Is that why you broke up with Clay?”

“No!” You turned to face Tyler. “I didn’t know then. I mean I was pregnant then, but I didn’t know.” Your eyes started to water as it really started to sink in that you were pregnant, now you’d said the words out loud, it made it seem real.

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” Tyler gently pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and letting you sob into his shoulder.

You were just starting to calm down when Cyrus walked in. “What the fuck did you do, man?” he walked over to where you were perched on Tyler’s lap. You had been friends with Cyrus long before you’d ever know Tyler, you were just a bit closer with Cyrus. But Tyler tended to be better at giving advice.

“I’m pregnant, Cy.” Your sobs renewed as you rested your head on Tyler’s chest and turned to face your best friend.

“So, I need to kick Clay’s ass?” Cyrus grumbled, eyebrows furrowing. Tyler’s eyes widened, and he shook his head warningly. “You know we’ll be there for you, whatever you decide, if you want an abortion, we’ll hold your hand, if you want to have the baby adopted, we’ll help you find someone and if you want to keep it, we’ll help you out.”

You breathed a sigh of relief and peered up at Tyler questioningly. “Ty?”

“Of course, I’ll be there, you know I will.” Tyler was quick to reply, rubbing a hand up and down your back in comforting circles. “You really need to tell Clay though, because it’s his baby, he deserves to know.” You nodded and buried your head back into Tyler’s chest, Cyrus’ comforting hand resting on your thigh.

The next day, Tyler and Cyrus walked you over to Clay, wanting to make sure you told Clay as soon as possible, to get some weight off your shoulders. “Hey Jensen.” Cyrus caught Clay’s attention and he turned around, face falling slightly when he noticed you.

“Uh, hey.” Clay’s eyebrows furrowed in his familiar (cute) confused manner. He shut his locker door and stood in front of it.

Cyrus clapped you on the back. “Y/N needs to talk to you.” You glared at the dark-haired boy but stepped forward when Tyler coughed and nudged your shoulder.

“It’s okay, guys.” You dismissed your friends and stepped closer to your ex-boyfriend. He tilted his head to the side and his grip tightened on his backpack, knuckles turning white. It wasn’t the first time you had spoken since being broken up, but it was the first time you’d spoken where it seemed serious.

“Uh, what is it, Y/N.” Clay asked, frown on his face.

I’m pregnant.” You whispered, eyes darting around the crowded hallway.

The tension in Clay’s eyebrows dissipated, his eyes widening and his mouth dropping open. Clay swallowed loudly. “It is mine, right?” You frowned at his question, but in a way, it was a fair enough question when you’d been broken up for 6 weeks.

“Yes, Clay, of course it is.” You replied softly, looking at your feet.

“Is that why you broke up with me?” Clay’s hands relaxed on his bag straps.

“No. I didn’t break up with you because I found out… but the hormones probably caused my mood changes.” You bit down on your lip, a nervous habit and looked back up, attempting to read Clay’s face, which was unusually void of emotion.

After a moment of silence, Clay breathed out and quickly brought you into an embrace, tight to his chest. “How far along?”

“13 weeks.” You mumbled into his shoulder. “I found out last week.”

“So, do we have to start going to ultrasounds?” Clay whispered into your ear.

You pulled back from the embrace. “You want to come with me?” Tears started to well in your eyes.

“Of course, Y/N, we’re in this together.” Clay nodded, his eyebrows furrowing slightly at the thought of you thinking he wouldn’t be there for you. “You, me and this baby, okay?”

You nodded and buried your head into Clay’s chest, mumbling into it. “And Cyrus and Tyler.”

“Justin too.” Clay added, pressing a kiss to your hair.

You giggled. “Our baby is going to have so many cool uncles.”

“Pft, Tyler is hardly cool.” Clay laughed.

“HEY! I heard that!” Tyler yelled, causing the both of you to burst into laughter.


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