Montgomery broken 4

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Warnings: Idc anymore🤦 Also Cyrus is a daddy anyone else?

He leaned down nervously, brushing his lips against yours and you fully closing the gap, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him close. He drags a hand down your side, leaving it at your hip as he grinds his groin into your leg, making you feel his semi-hard on. You drag a hand down his chest and cup his clothed erection, making him moan into the kiss and buck his hips.

"Is um, is this alright?" he asks suddenly, breaking the kiss. "I don't want you uncomfortable or anything."

You nod your head, smiling softly, bringing him back down for a kiss and gripping his length harder, feeling the wet spot from his precum as he bucked his hips into your hand.

You pulled away, sitting up and taking your shirt off, him doing the exact same thing before helping you unclip your bra. You giggle as he continued to mess up, not noticing the front clip on it.

"What, am-am I doing something wrong?"

You shake your head at his nervousness, unclipping your bra for him. He laughed, "I'm a goddamn idiot." he shakes his head, leaning back down to kiss your smiling lips, bringing the hand that rested on your hip to your breast, rolling your nipple between his fingers and gripping it softly every once in a while. You brought both hands to his belt buckle, undoing it and making him sigh as you pushed his pants past his hips. He helped the rest of the way, watching your hips raise so you could pull your own pants down. He cups your heat, making you gasp softly and dig your nails into his shoulder blades in a light scratch.

"You're so pretty, (Y/n)," he says truthfully, looking down at you and kissing your nose before stripping you of your underwear, then himself. You put your hand against his tummy as he puts one of your legs over his shoulder, sinking into you with a low moan, breathing through his nose as much as he could. You gasp with him, rolling your hips as he pulls out and sinks back in. Cyrus kisses your calf as he finds a steady pace, nibbling at it lightly before releasing your leg from his shoulder and bending down closer to you, close enough so your chests met with every thrust of his hips. He kisses you, hard, his tongue catching yours a couple of times before breaking it to moan. In turn, you licked his neck in a short stripe, watching his reaction.

"Holy shit, you're so beautiful, baby." he nearly growls, pulling your hips closer to his so he could go faster, harder, hitting that spot that made your stomach clench in all the right place.

"Keep doing that, Cy." you moan, gripping the armrest of the couch behind you. His hands fall, leaving him on his elbows as he holds your ribs, kissing and biting and sucking so nicely at the top of one of your breasts.

"You're doing so good, Cy, just a little bit longer," you say, feeling his hips buckle as you squeeze around him.

Your orgasm hits you out of nowhere, and Cyrus pulls out of you, releasing on your couch.

"Shit, sorry." he chuckles. You shake your head, sitting up and hugging him, sitting in his lap, your head in his neck.

"You... okay?" he asks nervously, scared he did something wrong. You nod, smiling against his skin slightly.

"Yeah... just hold me?" you ask softly, kissing his collarbone. He does as asked, running his finger along the length of your spine. After a minute he picks you up, saying "I'm literally sitting in my own cum." with a laugh. You giggle with him and put on your underwear as he did himself, watching as he went to get a wet rag and clean up after himself.


That night, you two laid in bed together, his head on his chest as you played with his hair and left light kisses on the top of his head.

"Was I... your first time?" you asked him, looking down at him. he hummed in confirmation.

"I'm sorry," you say with a sigh, feeling bad.

"Why?" he asked incredulously, laughing.

"You should've done it with someone you love."

"But I did." he smiled.

Being best friends was one thing, but being with him like this left a... satisfaction to you. Maybe, this time will be different. Maybe he's good.

He told you he doesn't plan on leaving you.


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