Tyler Down|Fly me

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“How far do you think it is?” Your skin connected with his as he laid his head down on your thighs, holding onto one of your calves in a small hug-like stance. You leaned back on your elbows, shrugging, “I dunno. Pretty far out.” You joke in a stoner voice. Tyler laughed at this before repositioning himself to get more comfortable. The two of you were currently examining your favorite constellation, watching as it stayed lit even while the moon outshone it.

“Think about it, (y/n). All of those stars are completely different parts of the galaxy. And we still see them together. They don’t have anything to do with one another besides giving some weird teenagers in a room on a different planet in a different solar system some comfort because it’s pretty and has stories to tell- stories we made up.”

You sit up, looking out of his window more, threading your hands through his untamed and curly hair.“I’m gonna miss you, Tyler Down.” you say softly, looking down at him. He greets your face, eyes faltering in a state of sadness before he smiles again, “We always have the future to look forward to, right?” he asks, to which you nod and kiss his forehead gently. He reached up and took your hand from his head in exchange to hold it, kissing your palm.

7 months later.

You hadn’t talked to Tyler since the end of summer last year. That didn’t mean you stopped thinking about him, however. You were upset when Tyler had stopped texting you on the daily, only to find out he was seeing a girl named Mackenzie. As distraught as you were, you thought it was okay. The two of you went to different schools, had different friends, and different schedules. It was okay; he needed to explore himself, right? You’d gotten him out of your head for a bit, only thinking about him when you’d watch a show or read a book that he liked. You still had a picture of you two sitting on your wall, along with other Polaroids and such. It was while you were reading your required spring break book when you’d gotten a text from him, which appalled you immensely. Tyler didn’t text. He preferred to call. In fact, he’d never texted you, a single message being proof of that when you opened your phone up.

Tyler Down
6:14 pm
I need you to know you’re the only person that still brings me some sort of happiness. And that I’m sorry if you won’t see me next summer.

The message worried you instantly. After what had happened with Hannah Baker, you’d always kept an eye out for signs, something to tell you that whatever was happening was happening. Any cries for help. You immediately called him, it rang 6 times before Tyler finally answered, “What.”

It wasn’t a question, nor a greeting. It was a firm bark almost.

“Tyler, come over,” you say softly, putting the voice he’d had on out of your head, only for it to come back.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” you ask worrisome, “We could watch a movie, catch up,” you say, trying to distract him from his thoughts.

“(Y/n), I can’t. I have to do something.” he sighs. You can hear his car start up in the background.

“If you’re leaving… can you at least tell me goodbye?” your voice cracks. Tyler stays silent for a moment, “No.”

And then the line is dead.

You hadn’t had such a long and agonizing panic attack before, but this three-and-a-half hour one was really making you nauseated and dizzy. And it only got worse when the doorbell had rung. You sprinted downstairs, seeing an average height Mexican boy at your doorway upon opening the door.

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