Monty De La Cruz|Mans work

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Warnings: Smut and swearing you already probably know because imma nastyyy🤦

You walk into school to be greeted by a chorus of "oh's." this wasn't an unusual occurrence at liberty high, but it was an annoying one because every time it happened, you knew that there was some undeserving victim at the root of it all.

you sigh deeply and walk towards your locker, but you can't quite make it all the way there because the hall is blocked by the formed circle. in the center, you see montgomery de la cruz taunting some freshman you've never seen before. the boy looks absolutely terrified, while monty chuckles. it isn't long before monty has him by his collar and pushed up against the wall. monty is about to throw a punch, and you speak up, pushing yourself toward the center of the circle.

"monty can you stop being such a dick for once in your life?" you say and the boy turns his attention towards you. once he sees that it's you, his expression softens a bit and then quickly turns into a smirk. "this is men's business y/n, it's best if you just butt out." he says to you arrogantly. the crowd laughs. "you shouldn't be partaking in it then," you say, crossing your arms across your chest. "put him down." the chorus of "ooo's" rises again and you see monty's nostrils flare.

"and if i don't?" he questions. "then i'll shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll cough up
my size 5 vans." you snap at him. monty looks stunned and shakes his head, putting the boy down. the crowd subsides and you walk to your locker. monty's gaze lingers on you while you put in your combination. he walks over to where you're standing and props himself against the locker beside you.

"size 5? tiny, that's cute." he says while you dig around your locker. you groan and close the door, still annoyed with him. "montgomery, go be a piece of shit somewhere else, maybe go to class for once? i don't have the time right now." you say trying to walk away from him. he stands in front of you, placing each hand on either side of your head. he's dangerously close to your face, so close that you can smell the mint on his breath and feel it on your cheeks. you'd be lying if you said that you didn't find him attractive. "leave me the hell alone de la cruz. don't you have somewhere to be?" you spat at him, trying to seem confident. on the inside, you felt like you were melting.

"why do you hate me, y/n?" monty asks you while searching your eyes with his. you snap into reality and remember why you're angry with him in the first place. looking him dead in the eyes, you begin speaking. "because, you're an ass monty. you're such a bully and i'm sick of your shi-" monty let's his impulses take over and cuts you off by smashing his lips onto yours. he pulls away and stares at you intently. "how do you manage to piss me off so much, but turn me on at the same time, y/l/n?" monty says while gripping your wrist.

you giggle at his words until he presses himself flush against you. you can feel your breath hitch in your throat. "you think this is funny?"
he growls while grinding himself against you. you let out a shaky breath and then you smash your lips onto his. you didn't know what was taking over you, but you weren't complaining. monty yanks your hand and leads you into the janitor's closet, slamming it shut and locking it.

his lips immediately attach to your neck and you shudder from his touch. "you're stupid montgomery." you moan breathlessly. "mmmhmmm." he hums against your neck in response. "so stupid." you moan as he lifts your shirt above your head. monty kisses you again, more forcefully this time. you can feel his hard on dig into your leg, so you glide your hand down to start palming him. he moans into your mouth and then grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head while he kisses you roughly all over.

monty sits down, pulling you on top of him. he grabs your hips and you start grinding against his erection, moaning from the friction. "fucking shit y/n, you're so sexy." monty groans while grabbing your ass to squeeze it. you smirk and stand up, and his eyes latch onto you. you decide to give him a show and take off your pants and panties painfully slow, without breaking eye contact with him. his eyes rake your body up and down and he takes his pants off too.

he walks towards you swiftly and has you pushed to the wall again in a rough, fiery kiss. you tug at the waistband of his boxers, and he pulls away. "jump." monty breathed into your ear, and you felt chills go down your spine. you do as he says, wrapping your legs around his waist in the process. he uses one hand to pull down his underwear, positions himself at your entrance, and pounds into you hard and fast. the sudden contact made you cry out in pain as you bounced on him. his firm grip around your waist was sure to leave hard to explain bruises, but in the moment, all you can think about is the pleasure that you feel. your eyes roll back as you grip monty's shoulders.

"o- oh my... fuck." is all that monty can get out. you try to control your moans but with every thrust, all you can do is gasp out. you were never one to be speechless, but words couldn't describe how you were feeling.

monty backs up and sits against the shelf so that you can ride him. your hips rolled effortlessly while you placed your hands on his chest. you felt your legs getting weaker by the second, knowing that you were nearing the edge. "fu- oh my god mont, i'm close." you whimper. monty sits up so that he can kiss you, and you start to bounce on him faster. he moans into your mouth again and then pulls away to place wet kisses on your jawline, lacing his hand into your hair. he kisses behind your ear and then begins whispering to you.

"let it out baby girl." monty says in your ear, causing you to shiver. "look at you, riding my cock. god you look so hot right now. i wish you could see it." he continues. his words motivate you to bounce even quicker, and he hisses. your nails dig into monty's back. your walls clench, and you come undone around him. before you have a chance to ride out your high, monty flips you onto your back. he rolls his hips into you and brings his thumb down to rub your clit. pleasure jolts through your body as monty goes to work.

your whimpers echo off the walls of the janitor's closet while monty grunts. "shit y/n, i'm not going to last." he breathes out. monty rubs your clit even faster and your eyes roll back. your vision blurs as you cry out his name, and your senses go into overdrive. monty puts his head in the crook of your neck, and after a few more thrusts, he comes, triggering your second orgasm. you both breathe heavily while trying to recover from the event that just took place.

"so," monty starts, "wanna ditch? i mean we're already hella late, and i have the house to myself. what do you say?" he questions you with a smirk.


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