Zach Dempsey|Shower

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Warnings:Role play smut and swearing and some fluff kind idk

*Y/n pov*

I always loved the shower, Someplace I can be safe and alone with my thoughts. I done my typical routine of getting into the shower the usual get undressed, tie my hair back and turn on my music.

The shower was so steamy and relaxing that I zoned out into another world completely, Which was pretty obvious when I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind and I start to scream and kick.

As I shook with fear the muscular man turned me to face him as I cry "What the fuck y/n why the hell are you crying? It's just me" said my boyfriend of 3 years Zach. "I immediately feel like the dumbest person on the planet and laugh my ass off "Baby I'm so sorry I thought you were a murder or a rapist" I laugh.

All of a sudden a huge grin came onto his face "hmm maybe I am tho" he says while putting his hands on my neck lightly knowing it makes me crazy I knew what he was doing and decided to play along maybe this could be fun I thought to myself.

"Oh no mister please don't hurt me I'll do anything" I say with a fake pout "First name basis bitch call me daddy"  he said smiling hugely "What do you want from me daddy?" "I want you to bend over like a good girl would" He says tracing shapes into my body.

As I bent down he grabs my hair "Be quiet and cooperate and this will be over very quickly" "Whatever you say daddy" I used my best scared voice. Honestly this came as a surprise I never knew Zach was this kinky he always seemed kinda 'vanilla' when it came to sex it was great but this new stuff was amazing".

"You better use that pretty little mouth now." He said not able to get his words out surprised by his own kinkyness.

I love teasing and pretending im clueless, "What about my mouth?"

"Use your mouth now." He demanded as he put me on my knees.

I smiled and kissed down his chest and took him in my mouth.

"Ahh…fuck you a good whore I chose the right place to break into." He muttered. My cheeks were hallow as I bobbed my head, sucking him off. I felt so complimented he was loveing this.

I grazed my tongue along his length and he instantly came in my mouth. As Zach held her hair he said "you better swallow all of that like a good girl you don't wanna know what happens to bad girls".

I opened my mouth wide and let the water from the shower head flow through my mouth and swallowed it like Zach told me.

Zach picked me up, my legs around his waist and looked up at me, "Thank you I really did enjoy this little role play thing baby."

"It's no problem I did aswell." I smiled as he began to rub his length against my center.

"Zach…." I softly moaned. He kept rubbing against me as i threw my head back, "Please."

He smirked and slowly pushed into me. I moaned a little, I guided him and moved up and down against the tiled wall on his length. We looked each other in the eyes, not breaking eye contact as I slowly moved on him.

"Does it feel good baby?" He seductively whispered in my ear and I whimpered in response. We continued to look in each other's eyes filled with love and lust and I picked up the pace a smidge. I loved when we made love like this, slow and not breaking eye contact. Even if it wasn't rough like before, it was intense and we both felt it.

Zach picked up the pace a bit more and began to moan more frequently and bite his lip still looking up at me.

He smirked up at me and gave me a chaste, passionate kiss.

"Pick it up a bit." He whispered in my ear. I moved faster on top of him, the thrusts becoming too pleasurable not to moan loudly.

"Uh…Zach." I threw my head back. He began to work with me and thrust himself in deeper as he let out a throaty moan.

He started moving at an erratic place suddenly needing to release. "You okay?" He asked and he hardly thrust afraid he was bruising me.

*Zach Pov*

I still had her head back as she nodded, moans still falling from her pink lips.

"Zach, please. I'm gonna let go."

"Go ahead." I said thrusting at her g-spot. "Fuck." She kept muttering to herself. She arched her back off the wall and moaned loudly letting go as I did as well. She slowly road out her high and got off and we both heavily breathed.

She looked at me and weakly smiled and moved to my lips and whispered against them, "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her lips. "Up for round two?" Zach raised his eyebrows.

I had so much fun writing this one omfg

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