Monty de la Cruz|Pleasure

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Warnings: Hard Smut and swearing also it kinda sucks so sue me

You body was sprawled over Montgomery De La Cruz’s bed. What was supposed to be studying, quickly turned into something completely different. Math had always been your least favourite subject, so after an hour or so of trying to study, you grew bored.

You watched as Monty spun in circles with the chair he was sitting in. It was weird being close to him because at first you guys didn’t hit it off too well. It seemed that all he ever cared about was getting into any girl he could get his hands on, but when he somehow managed his way into your heart, you knew that you might’ve been wrong. He was looking for the right person, and it completely surprised you that Monty could actually be a gentleman. Even though he slipped up sometimes, he genuinely tried.

He cared about you, he really did. 
   “Monty, baby, I’m bored.” You whined, rolling around in his bed. “Let’s do something.”

Sitting up, you stared at him, waiting for his reply. “If you’re bored Wanna have fuck?” You stared at him with a shocked expression before walking over to him and straddling his hips.

A smirk painted his face as he stood up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Let’s try something a little different tonight.” He carried you over to his desk, sitting you down before it. He leaned down to kiss you roughly, then pulled away to slap your ass. “Bend over.”

 You bit your lip, doing as you were told. He pushed his body up against your backside and you wiggled your butt a bit. Chuckling, he got on his knees, peeking under your skirt. He massaged your butt a bit then slowly pulled your panties down. “Monty what are you-oh” Wasting no time, he presses his tongue to your wet heat.

His hands held a firm grip on your thighs as you writhed above him. Your hands tugged on his hair as small moans slipped from your lips. His tongue was buried deep between your folds, hitting all the right spots. “Oh babe, I’m gonna…I-I’m gonna cum.” He groaned, your words completely turning him on.

His thumb rubbed harsh circles on your clit and moved you so that one leg had been sitting on the desk. Taking his other hand, his put in two fingers, harshly moving them in and out. Your knees felt week as you neared your first orgasm. 

“M-Monty I’m gonna cum!”He hummed against your sex as you reached your high. Your breathing had quickened and your knuckles turned white as you gripped onto the edge of the desk. He stood up, slapping your ass again a few times. 

“You look so hot bent over that desk. You like that don’t you?” Barely able to feel your legs, you slowly stood up and turned to face him. “My turn.” You walked over to him and pushed him onto the bed. Unbuttoning his pants, you pulled them down along with his boxers, watching as his member sprang free. You pumped up and down his length a few times before situating yourself over him. Slowly, you slid down onto him and he growled, holding a tight grip on your hips.

His bucked a bit, eager to move. “(Y/N) you look so damn sexy on top of me.” You moaned at his words, holding his hips down so you could do all the work. Leaning forward and placing your hands on his chest, you bounced on his cock. He ripped your shirt off and pulled your bra down, not bothering at all to take it off. “Yeah that’s it baby, fuck yourself.” 

He words motivated you to go faster. His grunts and groans like music to your ears. “Faster babe, come on.” “I-I…” Monty held you up while playing with your ass. His cock moved at a fast pace as his hips moved up to meet yours. Flipping you both over, he topped, pounding into your dripping pussy. Using the headboard as leverage, he buried himself deeper into you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your nails scratching the skin on his back.

 “Tell me how good I’m fucking you.” He was short of breath as he stared down into your eyes. “Oh Monty, you fuck me so good. Keep going I’m close. Make me cum please, I need you.” Unhooking your legs from his waist, he threw them over his shoulders. “Cum baby, come on.

"Cum for me.” Grabbing your hand, you allowed yourself to let go. Your back arched of off the bed, your nails digging into his shoulders as you screamed his name. He pulled out, pumping his hand over his length as his cum shot over your stomach. “Fuck babe.” 

You both sat there out of breath and panting. He picked you up, and you looked at him confused. “I’m not done with you. It’s going to be a long tonight.” You giggled as he carried you to the shower. And he wasn’t wrong, Monty gave you a night full of screaming and pleasure.


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