Justin Foley|Not Vanilla

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Warnings: Smut Fluff long story and bullshit yeett

Justin Foley. There was a plethora of words you could use to describe that boy. Kind, caring, unbelievably attractive, a little fucked up and well…vanilla. You would’ve expected Justin to be more rough in bed, judging him from his appearance, background and more, but the boy was a real softie at heart and the truth was he was really afraid of doing anything in bed that you might not like and he was too awkward to ask.

You loved Justin to death, he was the best boyfriend you could’ve ever asked for and treated you so well, he was just a bit too perfect…besides having been a homeless heroin addict of course. He’d told you numerous times that he didn’t want to pressure you into anything and always wanted you to feel comfortable, but you could tell the sexual tension was getting to him.

Justin wanted faster and rougher, just like you did, he was just too afraid to give it to you, or more to ask you about it. So you decided to let your sexual frustration out on his ex-girlfriend Jessica Davis.

“Justin was never like that with me,” Jess said, confusedly, “he was very good in bed.”

“No, it’s not that he’s not good, he is great, but you just get bored of the same thing you know? I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to switch it up a bit,” you sighed.

“I think it’s because, he’s scared,” Jess said, “he’s been through a hell of a lot recently and he’s probably being really cautious, he doesn’t want to lose you so he will make sure he does everything he can not to, one of them being not to hurt you in bed maybe? I dated a Justin who didn’t give a single fuck about anything, you’re dating one who’s got everything he could ever ask for, a family and girlfriend who love him, he doesn’t want to fuck it up.”

“That does make sense…but how would he hurt me?” You raised your eyebrows, causing Jess to glance at you as if you were taking the piss.

“Oh, trust me (Y/N), Justin can be an animal in bed, you’ll be complaining that you can’t walk if you get that side of him…which I’m sure you will eventually, you just have to give him time,” Jess smirked.

You widened your eyes at the revelation, but hearing this only made you want him more.

Justin was in Chemistry with Zach messing about in the lab as per usual. They’d managed to fuck up the experiment three times already so they decided to call it quits and just copy someone else’s results.

“You know…(Y/N) was talking to Jess about you today,” Zach said to Justin, wiggling his eyebrows to signify it was worth hearing.

Justin perked up at hearing his girlfriend was talking about him, “Wait what? Why are you looking at me like that? What’d she say?”

“I’m not sure you wanna know,” Zach laughed.

“God damnit, Zach, just fucking tell me,” Justin said, getting easily aggravated.

“She said you’re too vanilla,” Zach snorted, “I expected more from the godly player Justin Foley, slept with so many girls, school heart throb.”

“What the fuck? Vanilla?” Justin muttered.

“Yup,” Zach said, popping the 'p’.

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