Bryce Walker|Is it true?

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Warnings: Sexual assault mentions

When you received Hannah’s tapes in the mail, you weren’t entirely surprised. There were enough arguments about it between Justin and his girlfriend that it was hardly a secret to anyone in the group. Though none of us knew if we were on them until they arrived, and knew nothing about what was on them. You listened through, mostly intrigued. It was unfortunate, of course, that Hannah would commit suicide. You weren’t friends with her, but she seemed like a nice girl- no matter what the guys said about her. 

You hadn’t even reached your own tape when you heard the name of your boyfriend- Bryce. You almost had to rewind, just to be sure. After putting the story together, it seemed that Hannah was implying that Bryce was the friend of Justin’s at the party…it was Bryce who raped that girl. Bryce raped Jessica. You kept saying it over and over in your head, but it didn’t seem real. Your memories of Bryce around that time changed instantly- from what looked like innocent flirting into something much more sinister. How many other girls had he touched? What would happen if you told him no? After a few moments of these thoughts, you wanted to puke. You wanted to think it couldn’t be true, but what you hated to admit, was that it very well could be. Bryce had gotten aggressive before, especially when it came to sex. He made you nervous sometimes, but you always brushed it off since he was your boyfriend. 

“Hey, (Y/N) what are you listening to?” Bryce asked, making you jump in your chair. You stood and backed away from him, afraid of what he’d do. “What’s gotten into you?”

“B-Bryce…I want you to tell me the truth. I just need to hear it from you. D-Did you rape Jessica?” Bryce rolled his eyes and scoffed. The fact that he wasn’t shocked by the question scared you the most. 

“I didn’t rape her, okay? She wanted it! She just laid there and let me have her. That’s not rape.”

“That’s exactly what rape is, Bryce! She didn’t say yes!

“She didn’t have to! Why does it matter anyways? It wasn’t like I was with you at the time. Relax.” You were too stunned by how calm he was, and how he was behaving, to even come up with a response. Still, you managed to choke out. “Done.”

“What?” He asked, stepping closer to you.

“We’re done.”

“Babe, you’re being ridic-”

“GET OUT!” You shouted, tears streaming down your face. God, what would he do to you now?

“I don’t have to get out! You need to let me explain.” He said stepping closer to you yet and reaching out to touch you. You slapped his hand away, but he grabbed your wrist. 

“Listen to me. I never ‘raped’ anyone. But if that’s what you want to call it, then sure. She wanted me. Every girl wants me. I don’t need you.”

“Then go! My dad’s down stairs. You’ve got about five seconds before I call him, and he’s a pretty good shot.” Bryce, rolling his eyes again at your threat, shoves your desk chair over and slams your door behind him on his way out. You were scared to see him again, knowing he might get aggressive. Still, you felt free now. Heartbroken, and very disappointed, but you knew you couldn’t let him get away with something like that and just move on. You weren’t even sure if you could move on. The only thing you thought about was that you’d had sex with someone who…stole it from other girls. You felt dirty because of it, and could only imagine how Jessica felt. 


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