Alex Standall|Not the end

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Warnings: Mentions of attempted suicide and a short as fuck story

When Y/N found out that Alex had attempted to commit suicide, her heart stopped. Her world stopped. Everything just.. stopped. She, of course, rushed to his house. 

As soon as she arrived, the ambulance was there, her anxiety getting worse by each second that passed. They had him on the gurney, lifting his bloody, lifeless body into the ambulance, quickly shutting the door and rushing off to the hospital.

She had gotten back into her car, starting her engine, racing to the hospital. After she arrives, she goes to the lady at the front desk, her eyes wide, her body beginning to get hot and sweat formed on the back of her neck.

“Is Alex Standall okay? Do you know anything?” Y/N asked frantically. “Ma’am, please, calm down. He’s in surgery now. I’ll let you know when he’s out. Please have a seat in the waiting room.”

She couldn’t sit, she thought. She couldn’t do anything but pace back and forth in the waiting room, chewing on her nails.She swore she walked paced around for hours.

“Alex is now out of surgery and in recovery.” The nurse spoke softly, startling her out of her thoughts. “You can go see him now. 2nd floor, room 218. We’re not sure when he’s going to wake up, but try talking to him, or holding his hand. They say it helps.” The nurse smiled, patting her shoulder lightly.

Y/N nodded, smiling slightly, making her way to Alex’s room. She opened the door and let out a quiet gasp when she saw him. Her Alex. Hooked up to all kinds of wires, a wide, white bandage wrapped around his head, every machine around him beeping at a slow, yet normal, pace.

She gulped, letting out a deep sigh and walking over to his bed, sitting in the chair beside of it. She grabs a hold of his hand as tears flood her eyes and cloud her vision.

“Alex.” She says quietly, whimpering as the tears began to fall. “Baby, why? Why did you do it?” She sniffs.

She runs her thumb across his knuckles in a comforting manner, letting out another sigh before continuing to speak, “What happened to make you think, or even consider doing this?” 

“Did someone say, or do, something? Were you just tired of living?” She continues to ask him. although he never answers. He just lays there, slowly breathing, no movement, nothing.

“Alex, baby, i don’t know what i would do without you. I love you. So damn much,” She cries.

“I love you, too.” She feels him grasp her hand. She gasps, looking up at him, his eyes slightly open, a small smile on his lips. “So damn much,”


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