Tony Padilla|Not Just Friends

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 Warnings: Just smut and swearing

It was something that had started off as nothing more than innocent fun, and then, slowly, transformed into a mesh of feelings that neither of you really understood.

    You were comfortable with your sexuality. For as long as you could remember, you’d been attracted to guys, so it was no surprise to you when your feelings for Tony surfaced as more than just considering him a friend. You always brushed them aside. Knowing that he was gay, the odds of you two being together was incredibly thin. Too thin to waste time pining after him.

    After three years—three long years of a friendship that could’ve easily been one of the best you’d ever had, or would have, he showed up at your door. It was midnight. His dark hair was still messed, bangs falling in his eyes and slightly sticking up in the back from where he’d been lying down; and he was still in nothing but a pair of plaid sleep pants and an old t-shirt.

    You welcomed him inside. You offered to grab him a drink, or brew up a pot of coffee, but he pulled you into the dining room without a word. Ten minutes later, the two of you were sitting on opposite sides of the dinner table, staring at each other like you were looking into the faces of strangers.

    “Tony?” You were the first to break the nearly unbearable silence, voice cutting through the distance like a hot knife. “What’s going on?”

    “I left Brad,” he replied.

    “What? Why?” you asked, eyes widening with surprise. “The last time I saw you two together it seemed to be going so well.”

    “I’m in love with someone else.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. “I highly doubt it would ever work out. I just couldn’t keep lying to Brad like that, leading him on.”

    “What makes you so sure it wouldn’t work out? Who are you in love with?”

    He gave you a small, nervous smile. “You really want to know?”

    You nodded.

    “I’m in love with a girl,” he said quietly. “She’s kind, and smart, and always there when you need her to be. At night, she’s all that I can think about. Whenever I close my eyes, she’s there. Smiling, playing with her hair, something cute like that.”

    When you realized how silly the dumbfounded expression on your face must’ve been, you looked down at the tabletop. “Tony, that’s insane. I thought you were gay.”

    “I am gay,” he responded. “She’s the only girl I’ve ever wanted like this.”

    “So who is she?” you whispered, hoping the heartbreak wasn’t clear in your voice. It had never bothered you for Tony to have boyfriends, but the thought of him going after a girl, after all the time that you had spent reminding yourself he’d never be able to like you that way; it was like being forced to walk over broken glass.

    He hesitated, the slightest worry crossing over his face, disappearing faster than you could prove it was there. “Don’t let this ruin our friendship. I’m not ashamed to say that I need you.”

    So it was someone you knew? Or someone you didn’t like. You tried to wrack your brain for any girls at Liberty High that he might’ve shown at least some interest in, but no one came to mind. “Nothing could ruin our friendship, Tony.”

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