Jeff atkins|Burning

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Warnings: Makeing out angst short story and swearing

“Do not forget the heels you look fabulous in” Hannah your best friend said “I know your not looking for a relationship but why not flirt a little while were there?” she had a huge grin on her face.

      “You know you haven’t stopped smiling since you and Clay got together” I said as a playful comeback. She knows you haven’t dated anyone since your ex that scarred you. Not because it was an abusive relationship just because it was like you were in prison. He had to know where you were every second and if you didn’t reply back fast enough, he would get mad.

      “Well I’m happy Y/N, happy for the first time in a long time” said Hannah. Shes right, she hasn’t been like this in forever and I love seeing her happy, I love to see her smile. “Tony’s here! crap” 

       We both scramble around, I grab my heels while Hannah runs out of the room quickly remembering that she forgot her phone on my bed. We finally make it to the front door while scream at my mom that we are leaving. 

       Tony of course had to make a couple jokes about how bad we looked running out the door. “So Hannah, you excited to see Clay tonight?” Tony is always proud that he brought them together, with Jeff’s help of course.

        “You ask that every time we go out party’s Tony” Hannah snorted. “But of course I’m excited who wouldn’t be when they are going to see their boyfriend” Hannah dazes off looking out the window.

        “Were here!” I ran out of that car so fast to get to the front door, I wasn’t excited before but now I am. 

        we opened the door to the smell of puberty, which pretty much smelled like booze and sweat. It was exhilarating, I loved that everyone was free. I was free.

        “Y/N” It was Sheri trying to get my attention. “We are just starting a game of… of… wait what was it called. That one with the cards and the kissing” Sheri Snorted.

        I could already tell she was so drunk, she couldn’t even walk. I joined because I still had my rush of coming in here. I was sat in between Jeff and Sheri. We started to play and Sheri started away from me. Then it zoomed off to Courtney then Zach then Jessica. Next was Jeff. I didn’t know who I was sitting next until I saw him. “Shit, Shit, Shit” I said in my head. Then Jeff went to give me the card but, he dropped it. I don’t know if he dropped it on purpose or on accident but before I knew it we were kissing. 

        Jeff Atkins was kissing me! me! reality was flooding back to me and then I felt him ginning. “haha oh my gosh Jeff, wtf!” said Justin, he pulled away and looked at Bryce and said “There I did it can I have the $20 now!” 

       I was out of there before Jeff could even blink. I was walking in the middle of the road with heels in my hand and mascara running down my face. I was done. I didn’t want to move anymore, I didn’t want to speak.

       Through the glare in my eyes I saw lights behind me. I prayed it was Tony coming to pick me up. It wasn’t. It was Jeff.

       I moved to the side hoping he was just trying to pass. but he slowed down following me. “Y/N, please let me explain i just-”

       “EXPLAIN WHAT, YOU BEING AN ASSHOLE, THAT’S WHAT YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN” I slowly felt my body shutdown. “You don’t have to because I have already made up my mind that you are an asshole that likes to play with girls feelings.” I don’t want to pass out and make a fool out of myself evermore so I just sat down.

       I heard a brake on a car so I just put my face in my hands so i could cry in peace. “ Y/N, Y/N! Goddammit please let me explain.” I felt the acid bubbling under my skin. He stood across from me on the street, then I heard a car coming up. It was Tony, thank god it was Tony.

       “Hey, what did you do!” Tony said angrily. “ Y/n, are you alright, I swear!” Tony looks at Jeff pissed off. 

      “I was trying to explain, I was try-”

      “Yeah, I heard the story inside, what an ass move Atkins!” Tony slowly lift me up and over his shoulders.

      “No, NOO, just leave me there to die, leave me there to rot because there is nothing anymore nothing.” I scream while tears are streaming down my face. Tony places me in the back of his Mustang.

       Jeff sat there trembling, what the hell did he do. He never thought Y/N felt that way. He didn’t know he was capable of making someone feel like that.

      I just lay there crying and wanting to just sleep for the rest of my life. Tony unlocks my door. My parents are still asleep even over the loud noise I’m making. Tony lays me in bed and leaves a glass of water next to me. What am I going to do Monday


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