Jeff Atkins|Kinky

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Warnings:Daddy kink smut swearing and fluff

   “Get down on your knees.”

    You pulled away from where you’d previously been decorating Jeff’s neck with a colorful array of hickeys. A few had already begun to bruise, flowering the deep purple of wine, while others were still the fresh crimson of newly risen blood.

    It only took one look at the sinful expression on his face to have your heart stuttering in your chest. You slipped down from the edge of the bed, right between his parted thighs. He stared down at you with a smirk, his smokey gray eyes blazing with lust.

    “Are you going to say it?” he asked.

    You groaned in annoyance, letting your head fall against his stomach. “Again with that, Jeff? It happened one time. Let it go.”

    “Jeff?” he asked. “I don’t know a Jeff.”

    You felt a smile itching at the corners of your lips. “You’re such an idiot.”

    You tried to move on, tugging at the button of his jeans. He grabbed your wrists, bringing them to his lips to give them a flurry of butterfly kisses. “We’re not doing anything,” he teased, “until you say it.”

    “It’s embarrassing,” you whined in reply, shifting forwards as his kisses turned into light nips, the satisfying pinch of his teeth against your skin enough to have your face warming.

    His eyes found yours, half-lidded and absolutely torturous. He was far too patient in situations like this, much more than you were, or could ever hope to be. He said nothing when a soft noise of desperation slipped through your lips, instead pressing a short stripe down your forearm with his tongue.

    You knew what he was trying to do, and it was working. The thought of that tongue going others places lit a fire between your legs. Instinct had your thighs squeezing together, giving away that you were close to the breaking point.

    “Say it, babygirl,” he purred, voice dark and low. “You know you want to.”

    You steeled your nerves, unable to resist any longer when he quirked up an eyebrow. “Can we please keep going… daddy?”

    He released your wrists with smile, bending over to grab at the hem of your shirt—his shirt, but you were unashamedly a thief—leaving you in nothing but a matching pair of polka dot underwear. You felt his index fingers curl under the straps of your bra, drawing you closer.

    When you were right where he wanted you to be, he let them go with a snap. “Good girl.” His hands dipped to run down over your breasts, sliding behind your back to undo the clasp of your bra. It bounced open, letting him easily slip it off.

    He pulled you to your feet, getting to his own. You relished the feeling of your bare chest being pressed up against him as he turned the two of you around. He lifted you up just enough to toss you backwards onto the bed, crawling on all fours on top of you.

    You watched, that hot, boiling excitement fresh in your core as he pulled off his shirt. He popped open the button of his jeans without the slightest trouble, but when it came time to undo the zipper he did it slowly; purposefully trying to make you squirm.

    It worked. You wriggled your hips, hands digging into the sheets beneath you as he gripped the flimsy fabric clinging to your waist. He pulled it down to the middle of your thighs, letting you rest your legs on his shoulder. You relaxed, expectantly awaiting him as he slipped his jeans just a little farther down his hips.

    You couldn’t see, but rather felt the hot, velvety skin of his erection pressing against your entrance, teasing with gentle thrusts that were never enough to actually push in. “Do you want it?” he whispered, voice already heavy with his own growing pleasure.

    Your entire body ached with need. “Yes, daddy. Please.”

    His lips found yours, tongue slipping past as they parted in a gasp. He explored your mouth, rolling his hips into yours.

    The stretch was that bite-back-a-tear kind of burn. As skin, just slightly not wet enough, was forced to accommodate the sudden intrusion. The both of you made equally twisted moans, panting into each other’s mouths as the first few thrusts went by. In the kind of pain that makes you want more, striking up your body like white fire.

    “Fuck,” Jeff cursed, pushing back in fairly smoothly as he coated the last inch of your searing core with the slick of your arousal. He had an arm locked tightly around your legs, keeping your hips coming back flush with his own as he moved at an almost punishing pace.

    You slapped a hand over your mouth, resisting the urge to cry out, as one particularly deep grind sparked a wave of skin-prickling pleasure.

    He pulled it away, slamming it down onto the bed. “Don’t,” he said with a grunt, snapping his hips back into that same spot. “Don’t you dare, little girl.”

    Every bump of his body against yours, chests heaving together, hearts pounding, was the kind of bliss you can only feel with one person. Your back arched, hand pulling against Jeff’s relentless grip as a string of moans fell from your lips.

    He made an indistinguishable sound, sinking down to bite into your collarbone, hips stuttering, becoming erratic as he neared his end.

    You were already done the moment the angle had shifted. It gave you that perfect friction right where you needed it. In mere moments you were turning your head from side to side, trying to keep your grip on reality as your orgasm melted around you.

    Jeff’s breath hitched as he rutted into your twitching walls. He let your legs fall on either side of his waist, moving to place his hands against your shoulders, pressing you into the mattress.

    “I’m not gonna last much longer,” he breathed.

    You squeezed your thighs around his waist, guiding him back and forth at a slow pace. “Do it inside, daddy,” you begged, not once breaking from his tender gaze.

    That was all it took for him. He gave a breathy moan, collapsing on top of you with his arms wound tightly around your chest. The satisfying feeling of warmth spreading through your core was followed too quickly by emptiness when he pulled out.

    You kissed his cheek, giving him a lazy smile when he looked you in the face.

    He smiled back. “See. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”


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