Alex Standall|Fuck off

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Warnings: Fluff swearing and a short ass story

"Fuck off, Justin, you're pissing me off." Alex exclaimed, pushing Justin's outstretched hand away. Justin just laughed, trying to poke the annoyed boy again.

"Justin." You warned, knowing that Alex was not in the mood for anything annoying today.

"What?" Justin asked innocently. "Is it his time of the month?"

Alex glared at the boy, kicking his leg. "No, Justin, it's called I know you." Alex bit back. You hid a small chuckle behind a fake cough. "No one is having a good time with you being a little fucking shit."

"Hey!" Justin called. "That really hurt, fucker."

Alex rolled his eyes. "I bet it did," He scoffed. "That ego is big enough to fit your fat ass into it."

You let out a loud laugh at that, watching as Justin's face morphed into complete shock. Alex smirked smugly at the other boy, shuffling away to get closer to you.

Justin outstretched his hand again, but this time punched Alex in the arm. Alex punched him back, causing you to roll your eyes and slap Justin's arm away too in order for the little fight to break up.

"Go away, Justin." Alex muttered.

"Fine, Mr. Pissy Pants."

You sighed, watching Justin head over to the other jocks, leaving you and Alex in peace.

"Alex, can you please come here?" You asked, turning to face your quiet boyfriend who sat on the couch, ignoring you. You sighed. "Alex?" You were trying to put the curtain rod back up because Zach took it off when Alex called him a butthead. You don't know why Zach decided that taking the curtain rod off of its hooks was an effective way at getting back at Alex - considering it was your house - but he did, and then he left, and you're now stretching in attempt to push it back up.

By now, you've realised Alex isn't having any of it, and so you placed the rod onto the ground and walked around to sit beside Alex on the couch. You looked over to the boy (Smol bean) and reach out for his hand, in which he moved from your grasp. You frowned. Why was he even annoyed with you?? You hadn't done anything. It was Justin!! And everyone else!!

"Alex, why are you mad?" You asked.

"I'm not mad." He mumbled, picking at a loose thread on his jumper. "I'm simply experimenting."

You smiled, quirking a brow. "What experiment?"

"To see if you'll stop talking."

You slapped his chest lightly. "Shut the fuck up, dick."

He laughed loudly, making you smile, before pulling you into his arms, landing a kiss on top of your head. "Love you."


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