Alex Standall|My Life

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Warnings: Angst swearing and daddy Alex duh

“Jesus Christ, stop skipping your classes and stop sleeping late!” Alex angrily exclaimed as he noticed that you were sitting on your usual place at Monet’s alone. You moved your gaze to where Alex was and you saw him standing with his arms crossed in front of you, together with his actual girlfriend, the famous Jessica Davis.

“What the hell do you want, Alex?” You rolled your eyes as you didn’t want to be bothered during that exact moment. You decided to skip your classes as you needed to release some negative vibes from your mind, but then they were there to accompany you, trying to socialize with you.

“Pardon me?” The platinum blonde-haired boy sat on the empty seat across yours and he invited Jessica to sit beside him, holding her hands tightly and you carefully observed their hands intertwining, one of the things that broke your heart even more. “What the fuck is happening to you?”

“Uhm,” You corrugated your forehead as anger took your emotions. “it’s none of your fucking business.” You coldly answered, not minding Jessica’s judging stares, obviously because of your stubborn answers.

“Tell me what happened?!” Alex raised his voice a little bit. Luckily, there weren’t other people in the place, except for the baristas, because it would be shameful to create a scene in front of the crowd.

“Nothing has happened, okay?” You snapped at him, raising your voice too, and you grabbed your phone, that was on the coffee table, to check some of your social medias. You were obviously trying to shoo them away.

You wanted to avoid his questions, because he was the problem, your very own problem. Alex caused you the problems that you were having during that time and you never hated someone in the way you hated Alex before.

You’ve been good friends with him for months and you loved your relationship with him, because he has always made you laugh and he had the capacity to cheer you up whenever you would feel sad or insecure. You were always with him and only God knew how many secrets you confessed to each other. He was your anchor, you were his ship and to make the long story short: you completed each other.

He showed you nice and sweet gestures and those gestures fucked your life up, because you started to develop some hidden feelings for him, but he was head over heels in love with Jessica, so he never noticed your feelings for him. Unluckily.

You hated him since Jessica came into his life, not because you were jealous, but because you became Alex’s second choice and he was never with you anymore. He left you for his girlfriend and you knew that you couldn’t compete against her, she was the loved one, you were just a good friend.

You admitted to yourself that you felt selfish, because Alex deserved to be happy, even just for once, but you didn’t deserve either to be forgotten or to be left alone. Loneliness was a bitch and it made you feel worse when it started to keep you awake at night. Gloomily.

You were alone and, unluckily, you needed one specific person to fix yourself again, one specific person that you couldn’t have right now.

Do you think she’s angry?” You heard Alex asking Jessica and you shook your head to let your thoughts go. He surely noticed the miffed expression in your face, while you were staring at your phone screen, little fingers sliding through different letters and punctuations.

“As it seems.” Jessica shrugged as she raised her shoulders in response. Alex looked back at you and you accidentally caught his gaze. You fiercely looked at him and you made him notice the anger that you felt inside of you.

“(Y/N),” Alex unleashed a long deep sigh as he tried to talk to you once again. It seemed like he had too much patience in store. “what’s the matter?”

“Amazing,” You were sarcastically dumbfounded for another attempt of talking to you. “I exist for the one and only, Alex Standall.” You nodded as you clapped your hands with class and sass.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Alex raised one of his eyebrow as he asked for explanations. “I just suggested you to stop skipping your classes. I am doing this for your own good.” He debated as he let Jessica’s hand go and he rested his arms on the coffee table.

Why, all of the sudden, you are this interested in my life?” You angrily asked to Alex as you gave him a teary glance. “You’ve been together with Jessica for weeks now and, for weeks, I’ve been alone. Alex, fucking alone! Do you know what does that shit mean? Of course not, because you’ve never been alone in your life!” Your tears started to stream down your face as your cheeks became crimson red for the anger.

“(Y/N).” Jessica pronounced your name in a moderate tone as she tried to calm yourself, but you didn’t mind her. You glanced at Alex and it seemed like he was hit by a truck full of your anger, of your peevishness, of your irascibility, and it left him speechless. Speechless, as in no words came out from his mouth.

“And I can assure you that it fucking sucks.” You murmured as you hiccupped continuously. You fidgeted with your phone, while you observed Alex’s face. You opened his eyes and reality hit him hard.

“(Y/N).” Alex tried to say something, but he couldn’t find the right words. He was shock, because he never meant to hurt you. He never meant to leave you alone.

“It’s fine, don’t bother yourself.” You stood up and grabbed your things from the coffee table. You left some bills to pay for your untouched hot chocolate drink and you started to walk from the couple away.

“(Y/N), wait!” Alex tried to follow you, but he stopped when he saw you shaking your head, as if you were barricading him from yourself. You avoided him, because you knew that you would let yourself in if he ever said his sorry.

“I need no sympathy, Alex.” You shortly said as you wiped the warm tears that stained your smooth and burning hot cheeks.

He unleashed another heavy sigh as he sniffled loudly. You couldn’t see him perfectly, but it was obvious that he was crying too. His blue orbs were watery and he silently cried as he dealt with the pain and the stinging sensation that he felt on his cheeks.

Maybe he realized who he has just lost, maybe it sank in his mind that he lost the great friend that he used to have. He lost his ship and you lost your anchor, you sank and he never realized it. After all, you were just two pieces that fit together, but of two different puzzles. You once completed each other, but you realized your differences and you had to find the perfect piece, the perfect piece that would complete you so you wouldn’t be hurt anymore.

“Standall?” You called his attention, going back to your surname basis. He knew what it perfectly meant when you called him in that way. He looked at you as he wept in the middle of the room. “It’s my life, I understand that you were part of it, but you can’t dictate me what to do or not. Not now, not ever.”

You flashed him a sarcastic and fake wide smile, before you opened the bar’s main door, making the little bell ring. You shot him and Jessica another glance and you pushed yourself out of the door as you decided to leave everything behind, not minding how Alex felt, because he never really cared for what you felt in the past few weeks. He never cared until that moment, that exact moment when he already lost you.

You admitted to yourself that you felt selfish and evil, but he never cared for you and it was the right time to have a little bit of respect for yourself. Gloomily? Yup.


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